Receiving SMS late, Hero or Sprint?


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2009
For the last couple of days I've been receiving SMS messages late. I'll get the text and the time stamp will be for when the person sent it but I won't receive it until sometimes up to ten minutes later. Is this a problem with my Hero or with Sprint?
I've had that happen too, and I have a Hero on Sprint. They make me update my PRL and profile, then pull the battery. I've had delays up to an hour in the past couple weeks. Talk about annoying!
Well apparently I'll be calling sprint. I won't let me update my profile or my prl. I get a 1012 error.
It's Sprint. I can carve messages on a stone and hand deliver them faster than Sprint can. It's been like that for years and years and was the reason I ended up switching to Verizon.
It's Sprint. I can carve messages on a stone and hand deliver them faster than Sprint can. It's been like that for years and years and was the reason I ended up switching to Verizon.

Seriously a mod is going to start a carrier flame war? Now that takes the cake.
Seriously a mod is going to start a carrier flame war? Now that takes the cake.

I fail to see how he is starting a "carrier flame war". He simply commented on a known issue Sprint has had for years and gave the main reason he left Sprint.

I even commented in the following thread a few months back. I don't think I was starting a flame war. This was the same reason I left Sprint. Not flaming, just the truth.
Honestly if it weren't for that one issue, I'd still be with Sprint. I was a loyal customer of Sprint's for over 10 years, but in this day in age text messaging is too critical for me. I'm only sharing my personal experiences, not trying to start a flame war.
I never had this problem on other phones and this didn't start until a few days ago when I didn't get any of my SMS for half an hour and then got them all at once. It seems like it may have sort of fixed itself... sort of.

On a side note that out of order problem that you guys were talking about is a Sprint problem. I had a ticket with Sprint for about a month and they did eventually fix it. I never heard what the problem was but they can fix it if you hound them a bit.
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Well according to the two csr's I spoke to this is a "known issue" and they are "releasing a fix soon" probably just means they dont know how to fix it. I bet the fix is 2.1 that is being released at some point.
I was a Sprint employee a few years back in store and in corporate sales, left that job and got a Verizon phone. Just came back to Sprint for service this last July, and they have had huge improvements since I was working there maybe 4 years ago.

I haven't seen any issues with texts being out of order on my phone or my wife's to this point. I have the Hero and she has a Blackberry Curve. However one thing I knew as an employee there and I still see now is that the level of service/reception changes more from location to location with them than with any other carrier I've had. In my home area...they are great. With some places I visit I take solace in that I'm just visiting.
Known issue with all 1.5 CDMA devices. It gets even worse. Using this bug anyone with your 10 digit number can kill the SMS database on your phone and require a hard reset for it to ever work again. It's fixed in later releases.

Out of order texts -
Timestamp issue from your local towers. Sprint has to have accurate timestamping because they also carry the internet data for the US gov't on their backbone. Data packets (SMS/MMS data, not data data :) ) sometimes get held while trying to verify 'incorrect' timestamp signatures. If after a certain amount of time no refreshed packets with the 'correct' timestamp are received the tower programming stamps it with local time and forwards it down the line. Only towers with a bridged PCS/backbone connection are affected, and only when receiving data from non-bridged towers. It's hit or miss, but fixable.

Simple answer - your texts take a back seat to Internet/VoIP/other 'real-time' data.
Can't fix it at all if you're using 1.5 . Rooting does give you the option to upgrade out of 1.5 as soon as the development community makes a stable release. 1.6 is close, 2.x needs kernel source from HTC.

Just a side effect of being first ;)

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