refund samsung galaxy s3 for iphone 5?


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Sep 30, 2010
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I wonder how i-slave fanatics would feel if I went into their forums and posted a thread saying......refund i-suck 5 for Samsung Galaxy S4....????


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Jun 2, 2011
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Face time doesn't compair to skype. If apple is going to use there own maps I don't see them as being as detailed as googles maps. Sorry apple I'm going to stick with the manufactures who are setting the standard not trying to catch up. S3 all the way.


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Apr 25, 2011
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I love my iPhone 4S. I love the jailbreaking because it is so much simpler than rooting an android device...could be because I have a Mac though hahaha. I just can't believe they released ios 6 many features. Who the $!?@ are they trying to kid?! A polished app store is only going to take a device so far! I think I recall one of jobs quotes saying that apple is a software company or something along those lines. Where is the proof?? Yes the OS runs smooth as hell, but that's because there is literally nothing to it. "so easy a caveman could do it" NO WIDGETS?! NO TOGGLES?! NO CUSTOMIZATION OTHER THAN THE WALLPAPER! AAAHHHH! I'm starting to think apple died with Jobs. What good is the iphone 5/ new iphone going to be with the same outdated os? Android just gained a new user. I hope the gs3 comes to Verizon soon.

Jimmy Chitwood

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Jul 2, 2011
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So you wait almost 3 years to have a battery icon on the corner of the phone yay o wait did the g1 have that too?, and the new I store wow so perfect, oh wait it looks like the old android market, o my God they have a dictionary wow oh wait did android have more then 200 that you can even take away from the screen, o maybe make a folder where you can have even Wikipedia, and o god I'm so jealous of that multitasking on safary oh wait did my old g1 did that oh silly me, o wow and the new maps wow that's so cool o wait limited data base and slow uptades wow I'm so jelous, and my personal fav after all this year's the still use that horrible launcher that's they call ios oh god everyone everyone cancel the galaxy s3 and let's go an buy that senior phone with out flash that some ppl call an iPhone lol lol lol

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Is this what you would call a stream of conscious? That has to be the worst written "sentence" I've ever scene.


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Jun 11, 2012
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I couldn't be happier for dumping my 4s recently and pre ordering the s3. I was an iPhone user since day 1, but the OS has seriously just become outdated and stale. There is no more "great experience" with the device anymore. The only thing that would have brought me back to iPhone was a totally new operating system, not the same boring OS with just a few new features that android has had for years. Goodbye apple, hello android, bring on my s3!


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May 17, 2012
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Thanks I'm still working on it English is my second language my next post will be better

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Jan 1, 2012
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Don't forget that that 2 years ago, the CEO of a company with a grand total of one current phone, that is sporting a 3.5" (320x480)screen, and android 2.2, was dissing on Samsung, and claiming the Galaxy "branding" was a "fail"?

He was talking about the company, that today, is the largest smartphone manufacturer in the world, with likely 10 million+ preorders on a Galaxy branded phone. I'm sure 99% of the people that heard him say that 2 years ago forgot about it by the next day, as he was and is irrelevant... kind of like you with this thread!

So what exactly was it you don't want us to forget?


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Jun 3, 2010
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call me when iOS has widgets and you can set a different email tone for different email accounts for fooks sake. join the mid 2ks Apple.


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May 6, 2011
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I find it funny that Apple sues anything related to Android for theft of intellectual property yet the few "upgrades" to ios6 have been part of Android OS for 2 years. Maybe Google should give Apple a taste of it's own medicine.


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Nov 6, 2009
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I find it funny that Apple sues anything related to Android for theft of intellectual property yet the few "upgrades" to ios6 have been part of Android OS for 2 years. Maybe Google should give Apple a taste of it's own medicine.

The amusing part is that apple fanboys are brainwashed enough to think they're offering something ground breaking.