Resell Value


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2016
So, I upgraded early on the basis that O2 were offering £176 for my S7 edge. When they got it, they revised the offer to £35!!! I spoke to them and was told that they checked it with a white background and there was pixel damage. Even told me that it would be imperceptible otherwise and would just be from general use of the screen. I am overcautious with my phones and that screen was in perfect condition!! They revised it up to £80 but I have still asked for it back.

Anyone else had this? Going to try and sell it privately, that was ridiculous!
I would have probably taken the 80... now that it's known to be damaged, private sale will require disclosing that and will severely diminish the value.
There is nothing wrong with the screen though (at least wasn't when I sent it), but I'm not giving them a perfectly good device (which is what I would be doing), I'd rather keep it for a spare.

I was wondering if anyone else has tried to trade in and had the price drastically reduced once they get their hands on it?
O2 take the pi$$ on their trade in values IMO

Thought I'd see what an immaculate iphone 5C would get me, they quoted £15! IT's literally as new... Sold it on AVForums for £75 and donated that to a local hospice charity (the thing was gathering dust in my office drawer anyways)!

I'd try and sell it via AVForums, Gumtree or eBay. You'll get much better coverage and values that way
Apple store re-sale for S7 Edge is £180+
try it on they web site.
or sell it for £250 if you can

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