[ROM+Kernel] Inferior Human Organs unofficial CM7.1

jerrys BACKside rom debuted on post#3... he never actually made a thread for it itself... so naturally the iho thread became home to the BACKside users... i pmd jerry a few days ago asking for permission to make a new thread, offer up his and my modded version, added themes, etc... but i dont think hell ever respond, and i dont think theres really more than a handfull of us that still prefer to use it... so im not holding my breath... but it is a rather exciting idea... :-)

Bobzhome uses this thread too, when he updates.

Sent from my LG-VM670 using Tapatalk
Hi guys,

Very new to the scene but it's quite exciting to see all this. I successfully rooted and flash this particular ROM. Now my question is, I'm not a fan of the green theme, UI, pop-ups, etc. How can I go about changing that, given that there are no options to do so?

If the ROM includes Theme Chooser, you can install CM7 themes from the market, or there are some guys making themes in our forum. If it doesn't have that (not sure myself, never ran Backside), you could switch to another CM7 variant, such as Harmonia or MiRaGe.
If the ROM includes Theme Chooser, you can install CM7 themes from the market, or there are some guys making themes in our forum. If it doesn't have that (not sure myself, never ran Backside), you could switch to another CM7 variant, such as Harmonia or MiRaGe.

All cm7 roms have theme engine built in as far as I know. It would take a lot of the fun out of cm7 if it didn't :p. The only on the might not have it is harmonia, but I've never extensively ran it. May do that tonight.

Sent from my LG-VM670 using Tapatalk
Hi guys,

Very new to the scene but it's quite exciting to see all this. I successfully rooted and flash this particular ROM. Now my question is, I'm not a fan of the green theme, UI, pop-ups, etc. How can I go about changing that, given that there are no options to do so?

just dont flash the green machine theme...
Om-Mandylion does not include ThemeChooser and ThemeManager by default, but you can download it off the OM-Mandylion thread or IHO binary page.

The zip installs both ThemeChooser and ThemeManager.apk, but does not install any theme apk's and well work with any IHO based ROM.\

Edit: Turns out the the updater-script for the ThemeChooser_Manager.zip had problems.
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Hey does anyone know what too make of the ics roms are any of them completly working. Ive tried bobzhome and quattrimus and both have promblems. Does anyone know of any that are just as stable as the cm7 roms?

Sent from my LG-VM670 using Android Central Forums
The most stable and functional CM9 rom is Cold As Ice in the OptiS forum, which has Virgin support for his Alpha18 release. I thoroughly suggest giving it a try.
Hi, I've had Jerry's May 5, 2012 rom installed on my Optimus V since May and would just like to comment on a few things about it. Mostly everything else works great except for some little quirks with Google Navigation. First, it seems that even if the phone is connected to a car charger; Google Navigation still drains the phone battery. I've done a 4 hour drive and my 3500mah extended battery is drained while plugged into the car charger. If I close the app, the phone charges normally. Is this the rom, a setting that needs tweaking, or is it a problem with the Optimus V in general? Also, sometimes when I'm driving and using Google Navigation the phone would just reboot. It reboots while I'm using it and sometimes just when I start it. Well, that's about it. I'm getting a new phone soon but just wanted to report the little quirks I was having before I put my Optimus V away. Hopefully, the Evo V 4G will have all of the working features that I want out of a new phone.
Hi, I've had Jerry's May 5, 2012 rom installed on my Optimus V since May and would just like to comment on a few things about it. Mostly everything else works great except for some little quirks with Google Navigation. First, it seems that even if the phone is connected to a car charger; Google Navigation still drains the phone battery. I've done a 4 hour drive and my 3500mah extended battery is drained while plugged into the car charger. If I close the app, the phone charges normally. Is this the rom, a setting that needs tweaking, or is it a problem with the Optimus V in general? Also, sometimes when I'm driving and using Google Navigation the phone would just reboot. It reboots while I'm using it and sometimes just when I start it. Well, that's about it. I'm getting a new phone soon but just wanted to report the little quirks I was having before I put my Optimus V away. Hopefully, the Evo V 4G will have all of the working features that I want out of a new phone.

Try updating the kernel with one that has USB FastCharge built in, you well also nee to use Enzomatrx FastCharge Widget.1.3.apk . Both jawz101 kernel and my OM-Mandylion kernel have USB FastCharge built in.
followed your directions. after the reboot it gets to the android guy mooning me, and just hangs their for what seems like forevor, about two minutes now.

is this normal? or am i going to have to restore to stock rom?
followed your directions. after the reboot it gets to the android guy mooning me, and just hangs their for what seems like forevor, about two minutes now.

is this normal? or am i going to have to restore to stock rom?

What are you referring to, this thread is kind of packed so knowing what some posts are talking about is hard.
i tried installing the backside IHO from the third post, i followed these directions

---Installing from another ROM

1) Backup your apps with something like TitaniumBackup or MyBackup

2) Download the BACKside ROM zip file, the gapps zip file, and optional GreenMachineTheme zip file linked below and place them on your sdcard

3) Boot into recovery

4) Make a backup (ALWAYS RECOMMENDED!)

5) Wipe cache, and under advanced wipe dalvik cache

6) Under mounts, format boot, system, data, and cache (only recommended when coming from a different ROM)

7) Flash the BACKside ROM zip file

8) Flash the gapps zip file

9) [Optional] Flash the GreenMachine-UOT zip file for the Green Machine Theme

10) Reboot your phone

11) Restore apps, but DO NOT RESTORE SYSTEM APPS!!!

12) Enjoy yummy gingerbread and the CyanogenMod goodies

from the third post, it will display the LG logo, then the IHO logo, then a Green android dude mooning me, and it just sits their forevor.

please take note i am VERY new to this, i just rooted two days ago, and finnally got CWM working yestarday.
First back-up as you did...
Then, you must perform a FULL wipe/Factory reset via Recovery to this new ROM.
This is what will format the system and boot images, in effect, clean for a new install. However, depending on the menu, you may still need to navigate to those options to perform these steps.
CMR (clockworkModRecovery) is totally fine to use to flash this ROM..don't need to use any TouchRecovery at this point..Just to get you situated at this point.
Also, as I've learned, verify that the ROM size advertised download MB matches what you ACTUALLY have in you download folder...if a mis-match then it is a bad or incomplete download and you don't wanna flash that!
Good luck;)
Sometimes it's better not to flash the theme until after you have rebooted the new ROM a couple of times.
Try checking the MD5 sum of the downloaded ROM to make sure it didn't get corrupted. The easiest utility to use is "MD5 Check Utility"
Can't remember where I got it from, but it checks and also generates an MD5 sum.
I might have gotten it from CNET, but not sure.

Copy the MD5 sum then follow the directions in the "read me" txt.

If everything checks out ok then wipe and format everything again and just flash the ROM and Gapps.

Note: The 01312012 build of the BACKside ROM is the most stable. If you want, I can link you to it.

Another really good stable ROM is the latest MiRaGe ROM

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You need to install the Theme after one or two reboots, the reason is the framework-res and SystemUI apps are signed with a different key and this mismatch well cause boot failure.
i got it to work, thanks guys alot of help.

umm but now my home button does nothing?
and its really unstable, sometimes when i reboot theirs no status bar, and hitting restart status bar doesnt work.
and it wont let me enable a lock screen.

oh, and the google play store constantly says no connection, and the updater for the backside rom dosent.

i guess this is why its a work in progress?
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