Root Clarification


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Mar 18, 2012
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Ive spent some time browsing the forums and I cannot see a definitive way to root the Replenish once GB is installed. Im a total noob, so its best that I start by explaining my intentions of the root. I need to root only to remove the crap taking up the limited space this phone has to offer. Google Books, Sprint crapware, stuff i just dont use that came on the phone, etc (Bloatware). Other than that, I use the Go Theme Launcher and widgets with much satisfaction so I dont need anything overkill.

I also need a clear, certain method of unrooting so that I can file an insurance claim should I ever need to do so. Id much prefer no quirky stuff either, like constantly requesting an update as I have seen with the Phoenix ROM.

This may be too much to ask, or I may be too picky but the phone really does satisfy me and I dont feel the need to hack it to death. It just has limited space onboard and not everything can be moved to SD. Then that leads to the annoying icon always popping up talking about limited space.

Anyway, I appreciate any help I can get. Im not an electronics noob in general, just phones as this is my first phone outside of the "Feature" subset.

Thanks again.

Edit - Also need to know what all info will be lost in a root. Kind of unclear on that too. Obviously i need my contacts, etc and some app data intact.
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Oct 28, 2011
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^ There's currently only two ways of rooting this phone, either using the stock EK18 Gingerbread image, or Phoenix 0.2. Both of these methods cannot be upgraded to FA19, so you're going to get the update notification either way, which is something you didn't want.

Personally, I'd wait until Phoenix 0.3. If you can't wait that long, there's an exploit you can use to move more apps to the SD card without needing root access. You'll need the Android SDK on your computer for that though.


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May 27, 2011
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However, it seems you want to be able to easily revert back to a stock configuration. As of now, there is no clean way that I know of to go back to stock once you install phoenix ROM.

Also, you said you wanted root to free up some space on your phone by removing bloat. Root will NOT help you in this regard. The bloat is on a different partition than where you are running out of space. To use an analogy from Shabbypenguin - it is like deleting files off of your D drive and expecting your C drive to suddenly have more free space too. If the ability to make an insurance claim is very important to you, I'd suggest staying at stock. Otherwise, I agree with the above - wait for Phoenix Rom 0.3 and install that.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Thanks for the replies, you confirmed what i was kinda thinking but nothing ever came straight out and said it. not with certainty anyway.

The deal with moving more things to the SD card would be great really. I dont demand a lot of space but once this thing says "space low" it doesnt let you download anymore even though it still reads out 20mb of space. So either it has a very large buffer, or the counter isnt accounting for everything.


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Mar 25, 2012
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What I would do but this is just my opinion and while u wait for phoenix rom 0.3 to come out; There is always the option to go ahead and root with phoenix .2 and wait for someone to come out with a stock image, use an app called system app remover which cost around a dollar I think and u can remove system apps, use an app called autostarts.apk (Google) that will stop update notifications.

Sent from my SPH-M580BST using Tapatalk
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man or astroman

Well-known member
Aug 26, 2011
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There is a stock image of spint ek18 (unrooted) on I have flashed it back from phoenix .2 with no issues.
As far as getting space back after removing system files goes you can move apps to that space, thus freeing up internal memory.