Samsung Email & iCloud - Sent Items


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2017
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Hi All,

Since I bought the Samsung Note 8, coming from ten years of using iPhone (and even more with Mac), I installed my iCloud email using the Samsung built-in email app.

Whilst this was not very straight-forward, I managed to eventually get it up and running but there appears to be an issue with sent emails.

All emails that I send through the online version of iCloud appear in a folder called Sent Messages.

Emails that I send from my phone however, do not appear in that folder, nor in the folder called Sent. That folder remains entirely empty.

At the same time, the emails that I send from my phone do not appear in the Sent folder of iCloud online, but all other emails do.

Outgoing server on the Note 8 is configured as, TLS, port 587.

Changing the outgoing server to does not solve the issue.

Apologies if this is confusing/unclear but I hope someone has experienced a similar issue and knows how to solve this.


Well-known member
May 15, 2013
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Do you have two factor authorization set up on your iCloud account and did you login to the iCloud account and generate an app specific password to use in the Note 8 email app?


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2015
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So here is the deal...

iCloud natively uses a "Sent Messages" folder instead of "Sent" folder. You have two choices:

1) Remap the Samsung email client to use "Sent Messages" folder instead of "Sent" folder. I have no idea if this is possible since I don't use Samsung email client. I use TypeApp and it is possible with that.

2) Log into iCloud from Safari. Under the first set of folders Inbox through Junk (including 'Sent') should be a "Folders". Under there you will probably find a "Sent" folder. This is probably where the Samsung email client is sticking the messages sent by your phone.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2017
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So here is the deal...

2) Log into iCloud from Safari. Under the first set of folders Inbox through Junk (including 'Sent') should be a "Folders". Under there you will probably find a "Sent" folder. This is probably where the Samsung email client is sticking the messages sent by your phone.

That's the weird thing. This folder is empty...