Samsung Galaxy S9 or iPhone X for audio quality?


Jan 4, 2018
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(I may have this posted in the wrong forum for all I know, so if I do just lemme know)

So, I've considered getting either the Samsung Galaxy S9 or one of the more recent iPhones (let's just say the iPhone X for now), and I'm kinda hung up on which one's better for audio quality. What HiFi says that the iPhone X has better audio quality, but idk, what do you guys think?

Which phone do you think has the better audio quality? Or do you think they're as good as each other?


Q&A Team
Nov 22, 2014
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Neither. The V30 and LG G7 is superior to both your choices in terms of audio quality through a wired headset. If your only consideration is audio quality, those are the only choices you have that is clearly better than ANYTHING else in the market.

The S9 for me is better than the iPhone because of Adapt Sound feature. Basically, it transforms the baseline of the sound you are hearing to conform to your own ear's unique sound signature.


Jan 4, 2018
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Neither. The V30 and LG G7 is superior to both your choices in terms of audio quality through a wired headset. If your only consideration is audio quality, those are the only choices you have that is clearly better than ANYTHING else in the market.

The S9 for me is better than the iPhone because of Adapt Sound feature. Basically, it transforms the baseline of the sound you are hearing to conform to your own ear's unique sound signature.

True, but audio quality isn't my only consideration when buying a phone, and for me, LG phones have a lot of turn offs which prevent me from considering them for purchase.

That Adapt Sound feature on the S9 does sound pretty neat though.