Screen Brightness Recommendations


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2010
Just got my Pixel 2 XL - love the screen, despite what others say. I only see Blueshift on extreme angles, and the colors look fine - much better than my Nexus 5X LCD screen..

Anyways, the question I had is, since this is my first OLED screen in a while (my last one was the Galaxy Nexus), what do people set their screen brightness to to get good brightness level but not kill the battery? On my Nexus 5X I kept it at 25-35% most of the time.
I tend to keep mine around 50% except when outside or in the middle of the night.
I've always kept my phones about 25% brightness indoors, 100% outdoors. With the Pixel 2 XL I find 14% indoors and 70% outdoors achieve the same effect for me. I would recommend setting as low as is comfortable for you.
Mine's way too bright too, I keep it almost all the way down for indoors unless I'm around a lot of sunlight or windows.
Never above 50%.
Only go above 50% if I'm outside.

Pixel 2 smaller version.
I've been keeping mine around 75%, with Adaptive Brightness enabled. That makes it about equal to what my 6P looked like in which I kept it at 100% with AB enabled.

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