Should I wait?


New member
Aug 27, 2013
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Hey guys!
I currently have a Nokia Lumia 920 and I like it but I wanna give Android a try.
I have been doing some research and came across the upcoming LG G2... it looks really nice; and so does the Moto X & HTC One.
I really don't want to get a GS4, I just don't like it... I think it looks cheap.

Anyways... my question is, what other phones are to be released soon? That might compete with the ones I mentioned..
I need a phone that takes great quality pictures at night and day. Just like my Lumia 920 does.

Greg C

Well-known member
Jan 11, 2013
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The LG Optimus G Pro was recently released. The Nexus 5 is rumored to be released in October. You also have the mini versions of the Galaxy S4 and HTC One recently released. Of the phones you mentioned... I personally would go with the HTC One. Well made, sharp looking and it has a good camera.

Hey guys!
I currently have a Nokia Lumia 920 and I like it but I wanna give Android a try.
I have been doing some research and came across the upcoming LG G2... it looks really nice; and so does the Moto X & HTC One.
I really don't want to get a GS4, I just don't like it... I think it looks cheap.

Anyways... my question is, what other phones are to be released soon? That might compete with the ones I mentioned..
I need a phone that takes great quality pictures at night and day. Just like my Lumia 920 does.

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