Simply - Yes or No? Google screwed up this release.


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Jul 14, 2011
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Yes, some type of communication from Google would be greatly appreciated by all GP customers.

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Nov 11, 2010
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While they are meeting their "mid July" release date. They should have given a more specific date. And they took pre-orders from the Play store before we even knew retailers would get it. Yet they fulfilled retail orders days before their own Play pre-orders got theirs.

So this was mostly a black eye for Google's Play store.

PS. And it looks bad when people without pre-orders are able to walk into retail stores and pickup the product before the pre-orders have even shipped.
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Dec 12, 2009
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Assuming my device arrives this week as my now updated tracking info page says it will:


Yeah, they handled it wrong from many aspects, but a few days without a tablet isn't really that big a deal (to me), when I'm still getting it within the time frame I expected. Sure, we all expect that pre-orders will be shipped first...but Google never actually claimed that would be the case -- as far as I saw it, all I was doing was ensuring that I'd have a claim to one in the event that they all sold out quickly. It's on it's way and I'm anxious to get it, but I'm not really that upset that some folks were able to buy in retail stores this weekend...mine will be here soon enough.


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Nov 30, 2010
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Ordered 6/27, 11:32 cst. Tablet only. No shipping email as of this post. I have seen others who ordered a week later already having their tablet inbound with tomorrow or Wednesday delivery. This is the first company I have done business with that does not deal with purchases in the order received. You can tell they are noobs at the hardware side of things.


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Feb 15, 2012
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I'll say yes and leave it at that. Don't need to be sucked into this argument because i'll get my nexus 7 when i get it.

However i will leave this here.

Economic Justice Petition: Google, Inc.: Refund shipping charge for Nexus 7 purchases made through Google Play store |

not sure what good it will actually do but worth posting here

Its not worth posting anywhere. Its a useless garbage petition and a waste of everyone's time.

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Feb 15, 2012
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Like I said, try doing the bare minimum in your job or relationship. Then plead that you're technically right. See how far that gets you.

They made no big promises. But people don't pay extra to get worse service. Only a moron would deny something as basic as that. Straight up, how many would have pre-ordered through the Play Store if they knew every major retailer would beat them?

The launch is messed. Now pre-order folks who are the most enthusiastic bunch are cleaning out stores which will be left with less inventory for the general public. And the Play store will get back a whackload of refused shipments. Overall, that's less launch sales. Say what you will, that's a bad launch in my books.

Doesn't say anything about the N7 itself though. I'm loving it.

So they broke no promises. Why are you complaining then?

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Jun 6, 2011
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Ordered on the 27th, scheduled delivery tomorrow 7-17. Billed to my credit card today 7-16

Seems like they met the target to me.

Guess you don't live in Canada.

I ordered on the 28th. I have not even had a credit card charge/hold.

I have not heard of a single Canadian or Australian order being processed. Meanwhile, Staples here is shipping pre-orders today and putting out stock on the floor. Ditto for London Drugs (that's really mainstream), NCIX, Memory Express and Canada Computers.

In any event, I'm at peace. I got mine on Saturday at Staples. And Google can simply eat the shipping cost of shuttling a Nexus 7 back and forth from their warehouse when I refuse the shipment. Guess, they prefer eating lower margins (thanks to Staple retail markup) than shipping on time directly to the customer and making more. Their loss.


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Nov 7, 2010
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Please don't take this as a personal attack, but I find it more than a little ironic that this comes from the guy who has taken the time to make like 10+ posts across numerous threads complaining about all the complainers.

I'm a little offended, bro. I'm 22 years old and own a 400,000 (maybe a little less in the current market) house, mortgage free. I moved out at 17 with nothing. I really doubt you can say the same. Shipping and receiving things is my business, so this whole mess kinda hits close to home, I just don't consider that stuff acceptable. I've ordered well over a dozen pieces of consumer electronics pre-order, from graphics cards to cell phones and have never dealt with something like this before.

Thats because half the posts from this forum are just like this and not enough about the actual tablet. In a week i will be reading your posts about the screen being slightly up on the left side of the tablet.


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Dec 1, 2011
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While everything has been technically correct (shipping in 2-3 weeks, no launch date, pre-order "definition"), this launch has not been at the same level of customer service/satisfaction as Google's competition. IMHO, its the lack of communication that has become such an issue. I have heard NOTHING from them regarding the status of my pre-order, nor have I been charged for it. When I called to cancel it, I was met with 49 minutes of hold time in order to be told that I am unable to cancel it. Others are even receiving shipping numbers with changing delivery dates...

Please understand that this is my (along with many others, I'm sure) first true experience with Google and their products. By not being at the same level of service as their competitors, it has reflected poorly on both Google as a whole and their product line.

While I now have a Nexus 7 and I like it (thank you Sam's Club), when choosing between future electronic products (such as my next phone), I cant help but have a slightly bitter remembrance of this transaction that will partially weigh on my decision. For that reason, I feel that this launch was a total flub.
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Jun 6, 2011
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What I find shady is not letting me cancel an order because it's apparently too far along.

Yet, my credit card has not been pinged. I've received no shipping notice or tracking number.

I'm trying to save Google the trouble of a refused shipment. And even there, they aren't willing to help.

The launch is an utter show. Thanks to all the enthusiasts picking up tablets at retail, there's going to be poor stock for the rest of the month at retail for the general public to buy and try. And that's the target market. Meanwhile, the Play store warehouse is going to get slammed with loss of unnecessary refused shipments. And all could have been avoided, if they had just shipped a little earlier or let people cancel their orders.


Jul 9, 2012
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No. Although it kind of erks me that retails were selling a few days before I got shipping notification, I preordered assuming I would get it sometime in the middle of July, and I am getting it tomorrow. Met my expectations.


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Jun 6, 2011
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Thats because half the posts from this forum are just like this and not enough about the actual tablet. In a week i will be reading your posts about the screen being slightly up on the left side of the tablet.

Uggh. What nonsense. So we can't complain about the service while being happy with the product?

I think the Nexus 7 is fantastic and worth every penny. I think who ever organized this launch at Google should lose their job.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2010
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Uggh. What nonsense. So we can't complain about the service while being happy with the product?

I think the Nexus 7 is fantastic and worth every penny. I think who ever organized this launch at Google should lose their job.

That's a very bold claim to make. What makes you think someone should loose their job? You aren't paying googles employees and you have no place to say such things.

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