Slight Screen Lift Problem


May 5, 2013
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Got my new Nexus 7 on launch day and despite some early problems with the OS (that seem to have fixed with a factory reset) and some more recent flubs (I've had 2 random restarts in the past 5 days since I got the new JSS5Q update), I've been happy with it.

But today I noticed there was some slight screen lift around the bottom edge [where the USB charging port is] of my tablet. I keep my Nexus 7 in a padded sleeve when I travel, and the only time I've dropped it was when I accidentally knocked it off my bed from about 2 feet up onto my carpeted floor, so I dont think it was caused by trauma. Honestly, if it had been there from the start, then I obviously did not notice it.

The screen lift honestly isn't bad, and it doesnt seem to be causing any functional problems. You really only notice it when youre holding that lower edge and can feel some give/space when you're pressing the front and back panels together, and you can also hear some faint "popping" when you do that. I'm mainly wondering if this is common and I'm just being nitpicky (like it's a build quality variant I can adjust somehow), or if I should be afraid of it getting worse?

Scott Kenyon

Well-known member
Apr 2, 2011
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I'd probably be concerned and get a replacement. This is coming from the guy who says the gap and improper fit of his HTC One is no big deal....


May 5, 2013
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Hmmm, how would I go about that? Would I contact Asus or Google?

I originally got mine from Game Stop, but I'm already past their exchange/return period.

Not sure if it makes a difference, but to be as accurate as possible, the place i'm seeing the lift/gap and hearing the pop is at the junction of where the back plate meets with the rim that surrounds the screen right around where the USB port is.
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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2012
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Hmmm, how would I go about that? Would I contact Asus or Google?

I originally got mine from Game Stop, but I'm already past their exchange/return period.

Contact Google. They'll take care of you.

Unless Google has a different policy in place for the 2013 version than it has for the 2012 version, they will refer you to the manufacturer (Asus) for warranty support/service/replacement. That being said, Asus is pretty solid in backing their products.

As to the lift, your post is the first I've seen (though I haven't specificaly looked for such) indicating any type of screen lift problem like that that plagued the '12 model. Definitely worth getting taken care of if there's the least little bit of play there, and probably even if there isn't.

Scott Kenyon

Well-known member
Apr 2, 2011
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Unless Google has a different policy in place for the 2013 version than it has for the 2012 version, they will refer you to the manufacturer (Asus) for warranty support/service/replacement. That being said, Asus is pretty solid in backing their products.

As to the lift, your post is the first I've seen (though I haven't specificaly looked for such) indicating any type of screen lift problem like that that plagued the '12 model. Definitely worth getting taken care of if there's the least little bit of play there, and probably even if there isn't.

I was talking to another forum member dealing with N4 issues. Google is handling them directly. I wasn't aware of them asking users to talk to Asus, but thanks for the correction.

Brian Low

Well-known member
Aug 19, 2013
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how did your call with google turn out? i called them and all the guy on the phone did was give me asus's number and basically told me "don't bother me, bother the company that manufactured it"....
bought mine from best buy and my 15 day return period was up and thats when the guy basically said i'm not helping you.