Slow Window Minimizing


New member
Jul 16, 2018
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Hi all,
I just bought a Pixel 2 XL. I like except for one thing, and I don't have the vocabulary to say what it is that I don't like so I'm just going to describe it. First some background:
There are three touchscreen radio buttons:
1) The one on the left is an arrow-it is a BACK button
2) The one in the center is a circle-it is the HOME button
3) The one on the right is a square-it is the MINIMIZE (KIND OF) THE RUNNING APPS SO THAT ONE CAN SEE THE BACKGROUND

My problem is with the square button. When I push it to make my active app get smaller it gets smaller pretty much immediately. However, it takes a couple of seconds before the "X" on the window appears. It takes so much time to appear that it is extremely annoying to me. I don't think that i have the world's fastest reflexes or anything. But why can't the "X" show up WITH THE WINDOW???

So my question is: Has anyone else experienced this and is there any way to speed it up?

Kizzy Catwoman

Feb 2, 2017
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Have you turned down animations in devoper options? You go to settings - system - advanced on click on the build number until it tells you that you are a developer.

Then click on developer options that has now appeared. Then change all the options circled to 0.5

This speeds things up a bit.


New member
Jul 16, 2018
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Thank you for your very quick reply. I followed your instructions and was able to find the three spots that you described. All three were initially set to 1. I tried 0.5 and it sped up the window minimizing and may have helped the "X" show up. Then I played with them, trying from "10x" all the way down to "OFF". When set to OFF the display windows are like rocket ships! I don't know that the "X" shows up all that more quickly-maybe a little. But the windows change so fast that the X speed is much less important now. For me the thing that was important was the time from pressing the square button to being able to press the X on the window, and that total time has been significantly reduced.

So thank you again for taking the time to help me!
RR, Houston, TX USA


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2011
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@op - just FYI: you don't have to wait for the 'X' to appear on the minimized applications in order to get rid of them - you can just swipe them away immediately.
BTW, on my device it takes about one second for the 'X' to appear on the apps after pressing the square (Recents) button. YMMV.

Kizzy Catwoman

Feb 2, 2017
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Thank you for your very quick reply. I followed your instructions and was able to find the three spots that you described. All three were initially set to 1. I tried 0.5 and it sped up the window minimizing and may have helped the "X" show up. Then I played with them, trying from "10x" all the way down to "OFF". When set to OFF the display windows are like rocket ships! I don't know that the "X" shows up all that more quickly-maybe a little. But the windows change so fast that the X speed is much less important now. For me the thing that was important was the time from pressing the square button to being able to press the X on the window, and that total time has been significantly reduced.

So thank you again for taking the time to help me!
RR, Houston, TX USA

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