I've been using SMS Backup+ for a few years.
Today, I noticed that it's not really backing up all of my SMS messages. For example, I manually triggered a backup, and it hasn't backed up messages from the past few days.
It also seems like certain contacts aren't being backed up.
One of my contacts was getting backed up last year, but I see that his messages aren't getting backed up any more this year.
I'm backing up to an AOL address, btw.
I had liked this app, during these past few years, until today when I noticed it's not backing everything up.
Also, the connect slider is grayed out for some reason. I wanted to test whether my IMAP settings and credentials were correct.
When I tried the manual backup today, it said it updated 6 items. However, I don't see any new items in my inbox.
Is there any way I can test the connection? I can't trigger any more manual backups, because it says everything is backed up. I tried sending a message to myself and having that backed up, but it doesn't recognize that as a new item.
Or, is there any trouble shooting to find out why certain messages aren't being backed up? I haven't been able to narrow down why, but I can see now there's definitely certain contacts that aren't getting backed up this year. Others still are.
Or, is there another app like this that works? Something that also backs up all messages to an email account. I like how this one has settings for only backing up on Wi Fi, and I like how it creates a dedicated folder where all messages are backed up.
Today, I noticed that it's not really backing up all of my SMS messages. For example, I manually triggered a backup, and it hasn't backed up messages from the past few days.
It also seems like certain contacts aren't being backed up.
One of my contacts was getting backed up last year, but I see that his messages aren't getting backed up any more this year.
I'm backing up to an AOL address, btw.
I had liked this app, during these past few years, until today when I noticed it's not backing everything up.
Also, the connect slider is grayed out for some reason. I wanted to test whether my IMAP settings and credentials were correct.
When I tried the manual backup today, it said it updated 6 items. However, I don't see any new items in my inbox.
Is there any way I can test the connection? I can't trigger any more manual backups, because it says everything is backed up. I tried sending a message to myself and having that backed up, but it doesn't recognize that as a new item.
Or, is there any trouble shooting to find out why certain messages aren't being backed up? I haven't been able to narrow down why, but I can see now there's definitely certain contacts that aren't getting backed up this year. Others still are.
Or, is there another app like this that works? Something that also backs up all messages to an email account. I like how this one has settings for only backing up on Wi Fi, and I like how it creates a dedicated folder where all messages are backed up.