Some of my Thoughts! What do you think?

What Phone is Next?

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Apr 21, 2011
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So I have had the Incredible since day of launch and must say I have loved this phone and all it does. Eventhough I have had to had it replaced and really miss that amoled display and now need to have it replaced again for a blown speaker, I still love this phone. I recently considered switching to an iPhone but once I found TuneSync I stopped all that nonsense and realized Android is the way to go.

I did have some thoughts though on the future of my relationship with the Incredible. Such things as, will we get the great new HTC Sense that the Thunderbolt has? Will we ever get Gingerbread?

So in lew of these thoughts I have been trying to find a successor to my Incredible but dont really see anything that catches my eye. I know the Incredible 2 is coming out but to be honest I am going to miss my opitical trackpad at the bottom.

Well I was just wondering what all the other Incredible users are going to do when the phone cant be replaced or you just decide to switch to a new phone. What phone is a real quality replacement? And with the horrible battery life I have been hearing about with the Thunderbolt, I think I will pass, the Incredible is hard enough to deal with.

After thought I know that 2 of the phones on the poll have physical keyboards, and I cant hide the fact I will always miss my Palm Treo keyboard. With that in mind anyone know of any new Android devices with a physical keyboard that doesnt suck like the Droid Pro?
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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2010
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HTC never updates the sense version on their older phones. If you really want the new Sense, you'll need to root and apply a custom ROM that uses it. Thankfully, though, it looks like we'll get Gingerbread this summer.

I'm hearing that the TB's battery life is no worse than the Dinc's...

My next upgrade isn't until July 2012, and who knows what'll be available at that point.


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2010
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I, like you, have a launch DInc shipped to me on May 4th, and it's the greatest phone I have ever had. I will keep this phone as long as possible. That being said, my upgrade isn't until January. And unless HTC and Verizon make a variant of the Sensation with an updated version of Sense, I will stick with my Droid Incredible. Nothing out right now is enticing enough to make me switch.


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2010
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i don't have an upgrade till next july. I plan on getting the thunderbolt at that time. i figure by then it will have all the kinks worked out and should be a stellar device.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2010
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No upgrade for me until 2012. Still love my Incredible, so I'm not worried about it. Also, my city isn't on the LTE rollout in 2011, so no LTE envy for me (yet). Content to see what comes down the pike later this year.


Dec 4, 2010
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I had the TB for a straight week, I am now back on my trusty old Dinc.... here is my RANT

I could see a possibility of battery increase if i would have rooted and debloated.... I felt like there was so much bloatware that was syncing , and I even turned most of it off (some of the bloat you had to sync at least every 12 hrs). before I rooted my Dinc it was somewhat of a battery hog. and the new sense on TB seemed heavy to me also, like it was dragging down the phone. I also really missed the optical track ball... if anybody wants to go to TB forums here and read, alot of people are saying the same thing...

my main issues were general lag of simple tasks... for instance, if it takes more than 1.5 seconds for apps under 'management" to come into view to be managed (ie.. force closed) than that is WAY to long for a phone that is as hyped as the TB(which was given an extra 256mg ram). also, I was having texting issues... the main people I text were getting 3 exact same messages in a row. there were some other minor issues too. I feel like I gave the phone a fighting chance. Keep in mind it wasn't rooted and debloated and Im not a noob at working my way a around any android phone (except maybe "touch wiz" skinned phones... justnot alot of experience with samsung). hell, I had the DX for almost a month and gave it back.. out of all the phones i have owned. I love my Dinc for the hardware and CM7 but I miss webOS ALOT... unless you have ever used webOS, its hard to explain. IMO best OS there is. but palms hardware sucked, I went through 5 phones, Also they have a massive lack of apps too.

plus, i had light (pixel) leakage which is not a big deal but for the hype and cost of the phone that should never happen... I do miss the TB, but I missed my Hinc more... and who knows what other better phones are around the corner I am lucky, I am under a family plan with 4 others that NEVER use their upgrades so they give them to me...

jerry's final thoughts - all in all, I really like the way the phone felt in my large man hands, it felt sturdy... yet in the end, VZ rushed the production IMO.... I do know this.... 4g is AMAZINGly fast and the next phone I get will absolutely have 4g. and if it feels better to have my Dinc in my hand than the TB, i feel like I made the right choice. And why is it, that VZW *the best and most reliable phone company* get the least of the best selection of phones... Tmobile, Att and sprint all get better phones, but there customer service sux and coverage isn't as reliable... /END RANT thanks for lending me your ears guys