Still having Default SMS App Issues... Help...?


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2010
Hey guys... sorry to be a bother... however I followed just about every post on here and I'm still having issues making the default SMS app stick.

In summary... I have a Verizon Note 4, (NOT ROOTED). I upgraded to MM 6.0.1 last week. I did a complete cache wipe AND factory reset of the device. I installed every application from scratch. Everything is fine with the exception of my ChompSMS app. for whatever reason, I can not get it to stick as the default app within M-mellow. It stays for a while, but then another app takes over. Other apps that I have installed were Mightytxt plus the default apps that come with the OS.

Here is what I have tried so far:
- I've set ChompSMS as the default app within the OS (Countless times)
- I've disabled notifications in Messages, Google Hangouts, etc...
- I've disable the apps where I could in the OS and clicked "force stop"
- Cache wipe
- I even went as far as removing Mightytxt for example and now this morning, I see that Messages has taken over as the default app.

I'm a little hardheaded, but damn...!! is there something I'm missing...?

Thanks guys...
I know I'm not being super-helpful, but maybe send an email to the Chomp developer to see if this is a known issue.
Yeah, sounds like it could be a dev issue. Might need to update their app to play better with MM.
still haven't figured this one out just yet... I'll have to email the developer of CHOMP to see if there is something I'm missing...

However to be honest, Im still not sure its the application. I say that because I the Message app for example... forced stopped and disabled. when I get prompted to make my ChompSMS the default... I purposely went back into the applications of setting of the OS and I still see the Messages app in a disabled state.

I'm still not getting this... so I'm surprised that no one else has mentioned it...
What we mean (or at least what I mean when I say it might be an app issue) is that there could have been an update to Google Play services or Verizon could have tweaked MM just enough that Chomp doesn't play well with it for whatever reason. Usually devs are pretty good about updating their own apps quickly, but every now and then I'll have one that lags a day or 2 (or more) behind and the app is either unusable or doesn't function properly. These things are bound to happen from time to time. That said, even if it isn't an app issue, it still definitely wouldn't hurt to contact the dev. Maybe he/she knows what the hangup is. Sorry couldn't be more help.

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