Still worth buying?


Jul 25, 2013
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Im thinking about buying a Gear 2 for my birthday this week, but im divided about it, mainly because Android Wear iminnent release.

I prefer the Gear 2 OS, simply because Android Wear is to much voice based and not being a native English speaker this can be a bad thing for us. Almost all voice assistant work sub par in other languages and in Portguese that is a problem, so a touch based system seems better adjusted for me.
My problem is that im afraid Samsung will abandon Tizen and go all the way for Android Wear. Although we have mixed messages since they are spending 1.250M in prizes for new Tizen gear apps.

You guys think it's still a good purchase nowadays? I love the looks and feel of the metal Gear 2 and like I said the system feels adjusted to my needs. How is it battery wise, etc?

Thanks for all the input guys.


Jul 25, 2013
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What if the voice recognition works badly, if it works at all in Portuguese? Won't that ruin the whole experience?
Many brands forget that not all world speaks English. ..


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Apr 29, 2014
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First Tizen is open and owned by Linux Foundation and backed by Samsung and Intel, so I have no idea what Gekko talking about

It might be hard to decide now. Android wear is not yet available and Tizen wear still in beta version

You need to compare apps and features to be able to decide. Personally, I think more developers will make apps for android wear than Tizen in near future. That's not related to technical issues but there is more android developers than tizen at the moment

Another key issue is battery. I doubt android wear will do well. It is about Java runtime and virtual machine needed to work all time vs simple web apps for Gear

About the challenge, I think they will extend it. There are many devs still working on it but they need more time.


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Apr 7, 2014
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LG G watch and Samsung Live, both featuring Android Wear os' s will be available today in the Play Store.... source: IO Conference....

Posted via Android Central App


Jul 25, 2013
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Yeah, but the lack of camera and the fact that Gear Live is exactly the same aspect as the Gear 2 makes me want the Gear 2 even more.
Plus, HTML5 apps strike me as better...


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Apr 13, 2014
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Im thinking about buying a Gear 2 for my birthday this week, but im divided about it, mainly because Android Wear iminnent release.

I prefer the Gear 2 OS, simply because Android Wear is to much voice based and not being a native English speaker this can be a bad thing for us. Almost all voice assistant work sub par in other languages and in Portguese that is a problem, so a touch based system seems better adjusted for me.
My problem is that im afraid Samsung will abandon Tizen and go all the way for Android Wear. Although we have mixed messages since they are spending 1.250M in prizes for new Tizen gear apps.

You guys think it's still a good purchase nowadays? I love the looks and feel of the metal Gear 2 and like I said the system feels adjusted to my needs. How is it battery wise, etc?

Thanks for all the input guys.

Tizen is NOT going anywhere in the next few years at minimum, and it may eventually be massive. Check out this thread:

And an update to that thread, the Tizen phones are already on the market.


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Apr 29, 2014
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If you are using many google apps and services go for Android wear otherwise Tizen might be better in terms of battery and some extra features like camera as you said. I don't think Samsung will back Gear Live in future. I mean they will not do app challenges and ask devs to make apps for it. Google might do that!

I am developer myself and I have coded 7 apps so far for Tizen Gear and working on more. I have zero interests in making apps for Android Wear but I am sure many devs will work and many companies will provide client or notification for their apps. Google might attract more devs than Samsung in future

LG watch has one more sensor more than Gear 2 (as far I have seen) that is compass sensor. I can't code compass app for Tizen because it does not have this sensor

Moto 360 might look more elegant than Gear 2 .. I don't know. I though LG Watch would look better than Gear 2 but from the photos I have seen today, it looks terrible

One cool feature for Tizen Gear that developer can make standalone apps while it seems android wearable apps can only run on phone and send notification only (for now)

In general, smartwatches are still "new" in technology. The current developer tools for Tizen Gear are in beta and yet they might have more features than Android Wear

Make a checklist for your needs and decide..

Happy birthday :)
Last edited:


May 15, 2010
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First Tizen is open and owned by Linux Foundation and backed by Samsung and Intel, so I have no idea what Gekko talking about

It might be hard to decide now. Android wear is not yet available and Tizen wear still in beta version

You need to compare apps and features to be able to decide. Personally, I think more developers will make apps for android wear than Tizen in near future. That's not related to technical issues but there is more android developers than tizen at the moment

Another key issue is battery. I doubt android wear will do well. It is about Java runtime and virtual machine needed to work all time vs simple web apps for Gear

About the challenge, I think they will extend it. There are many devs still working on it but they need more time.

SAMSUNG Gear is closed and proprietary to SAMSUNG smartphones.



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Apr 13, 2014
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Anybody else notice the battery life on the Gear Live? Same battery size as my Gear 2 Neo, but 1/3 of the estimated usage time?
If that's the Android Wear difference, probably enough for some people to go with Tizen
Technical specifications
Android Wear
1.63” 320 x 320 SuperAMOLED (278 ppi)
37.9 x 56.4 x 8.9 mm
59 g
300 mAh, 1 day use
1.2 GHz
Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy
4 GB internal storage with 512 MB RAM
Ports and Connectors
USB (pogo pin)
Digital compass
Heart rate monitor

EDIT: Just checked Samsung Gear
I would guess the battery drain is caused by an always-on display


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Apr 29, 2014
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Anybody else notice the battery life on the Gear Live? Same battery size as my Gear 2 Neo, but 1/3 of the estimated usage time?

Very good point

It is also "java" which is more hungry resources than web apps (tizen) = less battery life

I read there are no standalone apps ... another bonus for Tizen Gear


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Apr 13, 2014
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Very good point

It is also "java" which is more hungry resources than web apps (tizen) = less battery life

I read there are no standalone apps ... another bonus for Tizen Gear

I'm sooo torn. I really like my Gear. I also really like Google voice control. I use Google Now all the time on my phone, and seamless integration with a wearable would be ideal. Why can't I have both Tizen and AW???!!!! ;)


Jul 25, 2013
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Well, I've decided and went for Gear 2.
Very happy till now, have it for 12 hours =P
Seriously now, Android Wear was not what I was hoping for. Low battery duration, lack of options like cameras, I RBLASTER etc, not to mention the heart rate monitor.
I really think Samsung should keep pushing Tizen on this small devices. I understand Android Wear is voice based, but here I have 2 options, touch based HTML5 apps and S-Voice, which is surprisingly accurate, even in my language.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2014
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I'm sooo torn. I really like my Gear. I also really like Google voice control. I use Google Now all the time on my phone, and seamless integration with a wearable would be ideal. Why can't I have both Tizen and AW???!!!! ;)

For the same reason why can't you have iOS and Android in the same device ;)

Just commercial issues


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2009
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Im thinking about buying a Gear 2 for my birthday this week, but im divided about it, mainly because Android Wear iminnent release.

I prefer the Gear 2 OS, simply because Android Wear is to much voice based and not being a native English speaker this can be a bad thing for us. Almost all voice assistant work sub par in other languages and in Portguese that is a problem, so a touch based system seems better adjusted for me.
My problem is that im afraid Samsung will abandon Tizen and go all the way for Android Wear. Although we have mixed messages since they are spending 1.250M in prizes for new Tizen gear apps.

You guys think it's still a good purchase nowadays? I love the looks and feel of the metal Gear 2 and like I said the system feels adjusted to my needs. How is it battery wise, etc?

Thanks for all the input guys.

That's actually a very good question. I have recently bought the Gear 2 Neo and technically I am still within the time frame to return it. I gave it some REAL thought because they announced the release date of the Gear Live as July 7. I have to admit, I wondered just what Samsung is doing. I'm perplexed. I also asked myself if I wanted to bring this watch back and go for the Live but in the end, I think I'm sticking with it. It has a few issues but whether you like it or not really will depend on what you want to get out of your smart watch. I like the Gear and how it works along with what it gives me. I also really like it's design. I simply don't have enough info about the Gear Live to really pull the trigger. It sounds good on paper for sure but if I'm happy with my Neo, do I really need to jump thru that hoop? If you're considering a smart watch and don't have one though, I'd definitely look at both of them before deciding. Haven't seen the cost on the Live either so that may make a difference as well.


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Aug 27, 2013
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IMHO the wearable market is about to explode and in about 12 months some obvious winners and losers will emerge. I went for the Gear 2 not because of Tizen, but because I wanted to test out the concept of "wearable" devices - it's like anything else, when you first go for it you don't know what to look for. It's only when you try something you realise what questions you should have asked .. and make a better, informed choice the next time - true for cars, sports shoes, and wearables.

I'm very pleased with my Gear 2 Neo, and I'm finding it a lot more useful that I thought I would. Hopefully there will be more Tizen apps soon. But it doesn't matter if Tizen, AW or whoever "wins" in the wearable OS battle, the next time I make a purchase I'll have had good use out of my current device and know much better as to the features I want in my next one. And if I have to switch OS to get it, then so be it.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2009
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IMHO the wearable market is about to explode and in about 12 months some obvious winners and losers will emerge. I went for the Gear 2 not because of Tizen, but because I wanted to test out the concept of "wearable" devices - it's like anything else, when you first go for it you don't know what to look for. It's only when you try something you realise what questions you should have asked .. and make a better, informed choice the next time - true for cars, sports shoes, and wearables.

I'm very pleased with my Gear 2 Neo, and I'm finding it a lot more useful that I thought I would. Hopefully there will be more Tizen apps soon. But it doesn't matter if Tizen, AW or whoever "wins" in the wearable OS battle, the next time I make a purchase I'll have had good use out of my current device and know much better as to the features I want in my next one. And if I have to switch OS to get it, then so be it.

Couldn't have said it better myself and I totally agree on wearables taking off. Just in the time I bought my first gear, a lot of them have come out. They will only get better from here but for now, I'm quite happy with my Gear 2 Neo, even if Samsung Support is clueless (which they are)