Stock expierience


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
Any way to get just a stock gingerbread rom, I hate custom interfaces

Sent from my MoPho on The Sprint Network
Try go launcher ex. You can set it up to be pretty close to stock gb. I got mine to look and feel alot like my nexus s. Not exactly the same but close.

Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk
Try go launcher ex. You can set it up to be pretty close to stock gb. I got mine to look and feel alot like my nexus s. Not exactly the same but close.

Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk

Yea I have adw setup but I want pure

Sent from my MoPho on The Sprint Network
Im not too crazy about CM7 unless it comes with better battery life than stock.

Sent from the best MoPho
Even CM7 isn't really 'pure'...its some modified version of ADW or other...

'Pure' is entirely inadequate. Hopefully ICS will be better.
They have a pre-alpha release out already, but it isn't functional yet. Just means they are working on it.

Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk
They have a pre-alpha release out already, but it isn't functional yet. Just means they are working on it.

Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk

Sweet also any way to use webtop without dock I have Bluetooth mouse and keyboard

Sent from my MoPho on The Sprint Network
Even CM7 isn't really 'pure'...its some modified version of ADW or other...

'Pure' is entirely inadequate. Hopefully ICS will be better.

CyanogenMod is not a modified version of ADW. It simply uses ADW as the launcher. The rest of the OS is basically as close to stock as you can get, and actually makes many optimizations which lead to better battery life, performance etc.
I'm a bit torn over whether I really want to go the Custom ROM route on my MoPHo, even if CM7 is ported to it. Maybe I'm one of the few who actually like the UI on the MoPho, whether it's called Blur or whatever. Unless CM7 shows major performance improvements over the stock UI, I'll probably leave my phone alone.
CyanogenMod is not a modified version of ADW. It simply uses ADW as the launcher. The rest of the OS is basically as close to stock as you can get, and actually makes many optimizations which lead to better battery life, performance etc.

Yea I had cm7 for my hero and it was amazing performance competible with evo. And battery lasted longer

Sent from my MoPho on The Sprint Network
I have CM7 on my Nook Color and love it. The NC absolutely needed it. It would be great to get it on my Photon just for consistency but I'm really not hating the stock Photon UI so far. I may root it soon to not have to pay for the wireless hub feature though. NC plus Photon Wireless is awesome. Will probably just go all the way to CM7 at that point. Also, I guess I'm the one person where battery life hasn't been an issue. Not sure why but mine lasts a day and a half or more with moderate use.

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