Allow me to sum up why I NEED Unlimited in one screenshot:
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Now let me explain why. At home, I use Verizon DSL. I don't have a choice. FiOS isn't in my area. DSL speed is at the basic 1Mb down. Verizon refuses to upgrade the phone lines on my street for better DSL.
So when I need to get things done, here comes mobile to the rescue. Win8 download? Mobile. Ubuntu? Mobile. Uploading large files? Mobile. 3G is faster than my home connection.
Oh, and I can't forget about how my home connection drops every single day at 10:49 PM on the dot. It also drops every time I get a landline phone call.
So, Verizon, don't blame ME for trying to work around some shoddy service another branch of YOU provides. I'd love to pony up for FiOS. Can't. Faster DSL? Can't. I've been wrangling with sales for over 3 years now. Give me a break.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums