Who says that a person who uses more than 2 gigs of data a month is a "data hog"? Where did this come from?? Why are some of us as consumers so accepting of this arbitrary number/notion?? The big 2 (& T-mobile) have done an excellent job conitioning us to think that Joe public is a bad man because he uses 6 gigs of UNLIMITED data. Why?
These companies have marketed & sold us a service where almost evertything we do with their product requires data. But don't worry - data is unlimited. Apps running in the background, pulling data at will, virtually out of our control. No need to worry - unlimited! No room for your music that you just downloaded using data? No problem - store it in the cloud! Then use your data again (& again) to listen to it. You have unlimited data right? Want to back up those precious pictures? "To the cloud!" Want to view em? Data. Want to keep with your friends thorugh social media? More data. Get the point? Data is like crack!
Then they pull the rug out from under us... One. Step. At. A. Time.
Stop & think
No more unlimited data plans for new customers. Most of us breathe a sigh of relief. "I'm grandfathered WHOHOO!"
Now Verizon is tightening the noose/ taking away a little more crack, with their latest plan which may or may not cost you more money. Stop & think. Would Verizon make a plan that takes less money out of your pocket? They know that most of us are going to choose the smallest data plan that we "think" we need. And then wait for the overages to pile up, making more $$. "Free Wifi teathering included". That's mighty white of Verizon. They know that browsing on your laptop consumes ALOT more data than on your mobile. As an example, just look at the difference between Android Central's mobile page & the same page on you laptop/home PC. The difference is startling. Verizon bean counters are wringing their hands in anticipation of you using "free" included teathering!
"I'll keep my grandfathered unlimited data by buying my next phone unsubsidized". Stop & think. You are now without contract, month to month. How long do you think Pig Red is going to let you stay month to month unlimited before they say "Uh uh. We need you to choose one of our (GREAT!) new plans" or "based on your usage, here's the plan "we think" best suits you"... Without a contract, they can tell you to pony up or beat sand. SO, I hope you just spent $600 plus on an unsubsidized phone that you can take to a different carrier.
"I don't use/need big data/I use free Wifi at home/work".
Stop & think. I guarantee you - EVERY SINGLE ISP IS WAITING TO SEE WHAT TRANSPIRES WHEN VILE-RIZON IMPLEMENTS THIS! Do you think that every other ISP, be it mobile or landline, will continue to offer unlimited data if Verizon can charge per data usage??? Do you think your work will continue to let you use their newly tiered data for your personal device? Where are you going to get your free crack when your home ISP charges per usage/exceeding data caps? It's already happening - look at Con-cast.
EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US, whether you are a Verizon customer or not, should be absolutly furious about these changes being foisted upon us. I dosen't matter if you don't have to "choose" this plan "right now"! Because, one way or another, this corporate greed is eventually going to affect us all. Every single one of us, Verizon or not, should make as much noise/ protest these changes as possible. And if that doesn't work, Yell in protest with your wallets & choose another carrier that will suit your needs without bending you over.