
Well-known member
Jun 21, 2013
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Hi all. For those of you who have the Maxx 2, how much free space came with the phone out of the box? I know the official spec is 16gb, but this will obviously not all be useable space after system apps, bloatware, etc.

Also, I have a lot of apps. Is it possible to move downloaded apps from the Play Store to a SD card and still have the app function properly?



Retired Moderator
Feb 12, 2012
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Is it possible to move downloaded apps from the Play Store to a SD card

and still have the app function properly?
It's possible to move some parts of some apps to the card, but 1) that doesn't free much space (each piece leaves a link in internal storage pointing to where it is on the card, since Android looks in internal storage) and 2) SD cards aren't designed to run apps, and you'll shorten the life of the SD card, so make sure you always have the data on the card (including the apps) backed up.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2013
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If you can't move apps to a SD card, manufacturers really need to stop making phones with 16gb of storage. Even for a mid range device, that's unacceptable.


Moderator Captain
Trusted Member
Nov 16, 2010
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If you can't move apps to a SD card, manufacturers really need to stop making phones with 16gb of storage. Even for a mid range device, that's unacceptable.

Then DROID MAXX 2 isn't for you right now.

Posted via the Android Central App on the Moto X Pure Edition


Trusted Member
Jan 3, 2010
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If you can't move apps to a SD card, manufacturers really need to stop making phones with 16gb of storage. Even for a mid range device, that's unacceptable.

Yes! Honestly, SD card storage is too much of a kludge and it's too bad it didn't die off when Google stopped supporting it with ICS or JB (I can't remember which it was..) However, SD cards are good for devices that are intended for developing markets (India, Africa, Latin America, much of the rest of Asia) where 8 GB or so of storage allows really cheap devices to be made affordable, or to allow media storage only, or transfer of data files between devices. SD cards should never be allowed for app storage on devices in wealthy countries like ours (IMHO).

Adopted storage is a *horrible* idea. You won't be able to transfer files with the SD card; if the SD card fails, your entire storage is suspect, even internal storage. I can't believe that Google is allowing that on any but cheap phones for developing markets.