Stuck caps lock!!!

Giorgos Vegiris

New member
Jan 11, 2013
Hey guys can someone give a solution to this not so big but annoying problem?!

While on the messaging ''enviroment'' and only there, my keyboard is stuck on capital letters and there is no way to turn it back to lowercase!!
I've tried reseting back to the manufacturer's settings, but this won't work either.

Any ideas? Thank you !!
You could try settings>application manager>all>samsung keyboard>clear data. Not sure, but worth a try.
what is "environment" mate?
a messaging app or something?
id have said what Jungle said.
have u tried app manager, all, keyboard, uninstall updates?

Unbranded international rooted s3 with Official 4.1.2 JB. Paisley, Scotland, Western Europe :beer:
Could it be the font that you are using?

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Android Central Forums
in search of this very same answer, ive come across what this user is looking for.

settings > Language and input > (device model) keyboard> *click the gear*>Advanced> Auto Capitalization
I have a problem with the shift button on my galaxy S advanced, when texting I usually do so in english but I also use french spanish and greek. Today I noticed while trying to compose a msg in greek that the shift button was locked on caps (blue button with white arrow) and it only appeared when I put the keypad in greek, in all the other languages no problem!! What is even more peculiar is that when in greek it only locks when I try to enter the msg not when I try to enter the recipient, then it's normal!!!
Help!!! how can I fix it?
I had the exact same problem. My keyboard used to work just fine, typing English, Greek and french 'naturally' auto capitalisation of the first letter of the sentence only, and with lower-case letters for the rest of the word. Yesterday when I switched to Greek language, the shift button was locked on caps (blue button with white arrow) and it only appeared when I put the keypad in Greek, in all the other languages no problem.
I tried the settings > Language and input > (device model) keyboard> *click the gear*>Advanced> Auto Capitalization suggested by one of the respondents, but as expected, this changed only the auto-capitalisation of the first letter of the sentence in other languages (which i didn't want) but had no effect on the stuck caps lock in Greek.
It's still well and truly stuck.
Bizarrely. when putting in a few words of english into my sms, I noticed that the predictive text had 'remembered' and was able to insert some previously-used Greek words, spelt perfectly in alower-case letters, or a mixture of upper and lower, depending on how I'd entered them last time.
This is new problem. It only started recently. before then, i had no problem at all when typing Greek in SMS
It's very frustrating as nothing else has changed or been changed since it was working perfectly.
Please reply if you really know how to solve this, but not if you're only guessing!
I am having the exact same issue. The Greek keyboard input functions normally, except while using the Samsung built-in keyboard app. Pressing the shift key to turn off caps has no effect. How strange!

Has anyone resolved this? Are there other keyboard app alternatives with a Greek input opton that functions correctly?
Three people with the same problem. I'd say it was a problem with the language files. Google would have to fix it.

AC App on SGS3

The text input mode of the messaging program needs to be changed to 'Automatic.'

To do this, open up your Messaging app, click on the menu, select 'Settings,' then 'Text messages,' then 'Input mode.' From the options provided, select 'Automatic.' Your Greek keyboard should now function properly (it shouldn't be stuck on all caps anymore!).

My input mode had previously been set to 'GSM alphabet' - this is why the keyboard only functions incorrectly on the messaging app, while working properly on your other apps.

These instructions resolved the issue on my Samsung Galaxy S5. The steps may be a bit different for different phone models, but the core solution should be the same.

Did that resolve the issue for anybody else? :)
Resolved too!!

I had exactly the same problem described above when using the Greek alphabet, keyboard was always stuck on Capitals, very anoying. Folloed Juliabulia245 instructions and worked like a charm!! Thanks very much! I also hve a Samsung 5.
Just to improve on the instructions, you need to follow this:
Text messages
Input Mode
Select Automatic option

Thanks again
Solve also for note 2.
Thanks to juliabulia245 and Alexandros43

Just to improve on the instructions, you need to follow this:
Text messages or Input Mode
Select Automatic option

Thanks again
Thanks a lot, juliabulia245!
Unfortunately, on the down side and similar to what the previous user said, after I type the first or second letter of the text message in Greek, my remaining character count goes from 159 down to 68. When I go back from Automatic to GSM, the character count works normally again.
(Samsung Note 3 on AT&T)
Resolved too

Thank you juliabulia245. Problem solved!

These instructions resolved the issue on my Samsung Galaxy S3 neo.
juliabulia245 I truly love you for finding the answer to this!!!!!! I've been writing in greeklish for a year to avoid writing in all caps.....

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