Switching to sprint. To buy in store or online?


New member
Apr 28, 2011
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I'm making the switch from AT&T and have a few questions:

If I go in store and mention the waiver of activation if I purchase online, will they waive it?

I noticed online that I can receive a $125 credit if I purchase a smartphone and I port my number from another carrier. I'm going to get my wife a lg optimus and it's currently free online so will I still qualify for the $125 even if the phone didn't cost me anything?

I went in the store and they told me I qualify for a 23% work discount. If I purchase phone/plan online, can I still get the discount? I don't have a work email so I can't input one online if it asks for it during checkout. We use our own personal email for work.

FYI, I'm planning on purchasing the ns4g. Is it safe to say the nexus will have an update very soon regarding the reception and download problems? I just don't want to be stuck with a phone for 2 years that won't be getting a fix.

Thanks for any input!


Retired Moderator
Jul 31, 2010
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Id recommend going into your local store and asking them these questions, im sure they will try to do everything they can to go a new customer.

As for the nexus getting an update, yes, it will be fixed. I guarantee.


Droid Monster
Jan 8, 2011
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iirc, usually online deals are for online purchases only. I'd probably call cs or Chat online. But like igots, they'll try anything to get a new customer.

But the advantage with instore, generally you can haggle them for a better deal(sometimes store is more expensive) or even get some freebies.

But if you do buy from instore, get them to give you an instant rebate. Do NOT try the mail in one because it is absolutely horrible. Good luck.


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Jul 1, 2010
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find a preferred retailer, we have to conform to strict guidelines from sprint. we also have a little more sway when it comes to prices than corporate stores.
If you buy in the store and don't like your device within the first 30 days it makes exchanging the device alot easier. We can also transfer all your contacts over and setup your phone and educate you on how to use it. (we call it "Ready now service") This all comes at no extra charge.

i'll tell you the instore price for the LG optimums S right now is $20 but you can haggle them down to free (they will do it for a new activation) the nexus s 4g you'll probably end up paying the $200 for.

the porting credit is sprint wide, it still counts in store.

bring in your pay stub to the store, we can lookup your discount code and add it to your account takes 1-3 months to apply.

the nexus S 4g is manufactured by samsung but the software on it is all google, there are no BS sprint apps or bloatware on it. seems to be a pretty solid phone.

if you have any more questions shoot me a PM

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