Tasker - Let's Contribute Profiles


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Feb 8, 2013
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I need some help. I want to set up a tasker task to work with grooveip and my pebble watch. I know how to set it up on the pebble and with the stock dialer but not with grooveip.

I need a few things

Task 1 (incoming calls): Answer Grooveip...wait 3 second....turn on speaker phone
Task 2 (Outgoing calls): Dial set number (this can be done in the stock dialer since it activates grooveip so thats covered) wait 3 second turn on speakerphone
Task 3. Hangup grooveip.

Any help would be appreciated.


Apr 7, 2011
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Could someone at least help me to know if Tasker can do something? I don't need anyone to make a full profile, but I am new to Tasker and unsure if this will even work.

I want to turn on the photo sync features of both Google Photos and Dropbox when I am connected to my home router and on AC. Making the context was easy enough, but I don't see how to make the task. Can Tasker not open an app and run through a specific script on changing options (basically "photo sync on" when the context is satisfied and "photo sync off" when it is not)?

As it stands now, the limited configuration options in both the dropbox app and the Google Photos app will sometimes upload my photos at work when I plug my tablet in to AC while using my phone as the tether. This is killing my data allowance.

Thanks for any help.


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2011
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Could someone at least help me to know if Tasker can do something? I don't need anyone to make a full profile, but I am new to Tasker and unsure if this will even work.

I want to turn on the photo sync features of both Google Photos and Dropbox when I am connected to my home router and on AC. Making the context was easy enough, but I don't see how to make the task. Can Tasker not open an app and run through a specific script on changing options (basically "photo sync on" when the context is satisfied and "photo sync off" when it is not)?

As it stands now, the limited configuration options in both the dropbox app and the Google Photos app will sometimes upload my photos at work when I plug my tablet in to AC while using my phone as the tether. This is killing my data allowance.

Thanks for any help.

You can install SynkerForce Widget, it's compatible with Tasker as a plugin.

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Jan 14, 2014
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Hi All,

As the name suggests I am new to Tasker but I am having fun with it. However I seem to be having trouble creating a task to prevent my display screen from going to sleep while bluetooth is active. I dont know if there is a way to do it or not, but thought i would ask. I have KitKat and it doesnt like Bluetooth on my Nexus 4, when the screen goes to sleep it cuts off the bluetooth which is a problem if you are driving and on a call. Any help would be appreciated.!


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2011
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Hi All,

As the name suggests I am new to Tasker but I am having fun with it. However I seem to be having trouble creating a task to prevent my display screen from going to sleep while bluetooth is active. I dont know if there is a way to do it or not, but thought i would ask. I have KitKat and it doesnt like Bluetooth on my Nexus 4, when the screen goes to sleep it cuts off the bluetooth which is a problem if you are driving and on a call. Any help would be appreciated.!
The "stay on" task only work for older Android devices, but you could set screen off time to 1 hour or such when it is connected to any bluetooth or a specific bluetooth device. Then create an exit task for that profile so if it bluetooth is disconnected, it will set screen off time to 1minute or so.

Profile: Bluetooth screen timeout
State: Bluetooth Connected [ Name:* Address:* ]
Enter: keep screen on
A1: Display Timeout [ Secs:0 Mins:30 Hours:0 ]
A2: Flash [ Text:Bluetooth connected, screen off @ 30mins. Long:On ]

Exit: screen off
A1: Display Timeout [ Secs:0 Mins:1 Hours:0 ]
A2: Flash [ Text:Bluetooth disconnected, screen off set to normal. Long:On ]

Here is a profile I made that alert you when you lose Bluetooth connection. When you lost connection with a bluetooth device, Tasker will record the time, gps and wifi location, it will also pinpoint the GPS location on Google Maps.
I guess it's useful for finding your car if your car have blueooth. It's not something I would leave as a profile to run all the time, but could be a task to trigger on rare occasion like if you're going to a game or concert and need to find the car again. Yeah I know there are apps that can do this or you can just pull up Maps and favorite your present location, but.... whatever.
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Jan 14, 2014
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Awesome, thanks for the tip! That is what I was looking for and helped me get more familiar with Tasker in the process. I also like the Proximity Alarm, parking at the games and concerts around here can be a pain.


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Feb 23, 2014
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Hi there. I'm new with Tasker (and not really into programming and all but I realized that this app has been my current time waster/entertainment since I purchased it two days ago) and so far here are the profiles I've made:

1. Enable Airplane Mode When Screen is Off - completely disables all radios when screen is turned off or locked.
2. Disable Airplane Mode When Screen Unlocked - will disable Airplane Mode then switch wifi and mobile data on.
3. Wifi/Mobile Data Toggle - will check if wifi network is connected and turn off mobile data if deemed true. Otherwise, it will turn off wifi and turn on mobile data.

Basically, this setup is OK with me as it allows me to save battery further. However, I would like to add a new profile that will toggle airplane mode off for 1 minute every 15 minutes while the screen is off (to allow the phone to sync for new messages coming from apps like Viber/Line/BBM) and toggle an autosync for 5 minutes for every 6 hours (still while the screen is off). Somehow the profile I've created to do this isn't working. Would there be someone kind enough to show me the light here? :)


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Oct 25, 2013
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For work, I like to keep track of the hours I've worked. Using the free app TimeSheet, Tasker and AutoVoice, I'm able to clock-in and clock-out by using my voice. In order to Run Shell, you must be rooted and have SuperUser access.

Profile 1: Clock-In (Autovoice)
State: Plugin > Autovoice Recognized Event
Autovoice Configuration: Event Behavior (enabled), Use Regex (enabled)
Command Filter: clock in (this is what I will say to activate the profile)

Task: Clock-In
Load App: TimeSheet
Wait: 2 seconds (to allow to load)
Run Shell: Command: input tap 406 81 (run settings/Developer Options and enable "Show pointer location" to find out X and Y coordinates for clicking on the "clock-in" button inside TimeSheet App. This number will be different w/ each device) Use Root: Enabled
Variable Set: %Starttime To: %TIMES (this is to record what time the clock started running)
Wait: 2 seconds
Input/Button: Back (to back out of the app)

Profile 2: Clock-Out (Autovoice)
State: Plugin > Autovoice Recognized Event
Autovoice Configuration: Event Behavior (enabled), Use Regex (enabled)
Command Filter: clock out (this is what I will say to activate the profile)

Task: Clock-Out
Load App: TimeSheet
Wait: 2 seconds
Run Shell: Command: input tap x y (find the coordinates to tap the clock-out button) Use Root: Enabled
Wait: 2 seconds
Run Shell: Command: input tap x y (this is to save the time in the by hitting the "save" button in the top right corner) Use Root: Enabled
Variable Set: %Stoptime To: %TIMES (this records the stopping time)
Wait: 2 seconds
Input/Button: Back
Perform Task: Time Configuration (see task below)

Task: Time Configuration
Variable Set: %Timebetweenhours To: (%Stoptime-%Starttime)/3600 Do Maths: Enabled (this gives me the hours)
Variable Set: %Timebetweenmin To: (%Stoptime-%Starttime)/60 Do Maths: Enabled (this gives me the minutes)
Variable Set: %Timebetween To: %Stoptime-%Starttime Do Maths: Enabled (this gives me the seconds)
Say: "You have worked %Timebetweenhours hours today" If: %Timebetweenhours > 1
Say: "You have worked only %Timebetweenmin minutes today. You need to get back to work!" If: %Timebetweenmin < 60

*note: the variable %Starttime and %Stoptime have to be global variables (have at least 1 capital letter in them) b/c they need to be accessed in 2 different tasks.

I could always have Autovoice On, similar to Google Now (Open Mic), but instead I set up an Autovoice shortcut on my homescreen that prompts me to give the clock-in/clock-out command.
This works great for clocking in and clocking out by using a simple voice command.
This works OK, for reporting to me the amount of Hours (or minutes if I'm real slack) that I've worked for that particular session.
Normally I have 2 clock-in/clock-out times a day. (One before lunch and one after, although that may vary sometimes). It would be nice to have a different variable for clocking out in the morning and one at the end of the day. The read-out at the end of the day would add up the time from my morning clock-in/clock-out session and the one from after lunch. That way, not only would I get a report of how many hours I've worked at lunch, but I'd also get a read-out of how many hours I've worked for the day at the end of the day. I haven't figured this out yet.

If I were to figure this out, I could have that "end of the day" variable to also write to a document in a dropsync folder so I can have access to all my logged time.
I would also like to incorporate this somehow in a widget displaying Current Hours Worked for the day, but I haven't figured that out either.
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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2010
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I'm a bit of a Tasker addict. I've currently got 17 profiles, and there's probably about 3 or so more I've been meaning to try and set up (and at least 3 I've had to remove due to changes to Android OS over time security wise). But I'm no programmer, so my profiles aren't at all that complicated (except for one which I imported from the wiki and tweaked to my own needs). I'd be willing to share any though if people want details. Here's what mine do:

1. Alarm - Sets an alarm on weekday mornings if it's not a holiday or vacation day (based on calendar entry)
2. Home - Turns on wifi and bluetooth when I'm at home (based on cell towers)
3. Work - Turns all volumes down while I'm at work
4. Evening - Turns all volumes to what I consider a "normal" level
5. Sleep - Turns all volumes way down to almost silent
6. Weekend - Same as evening, perhaps I should figure out how to merge the two in context
7. Weekend sleep - Same as sleep, just at a different time cuz I'm up later. Also something I could probably combine context wise into the other profile
8. Holiday - Sets volumes to what I consider a "normal" level as well, but based on calendar entry
9. Weather Speaker - My most complicated profile, taken from the wiki and modified to my needs. Turns up volume, then gets and speaks time, day, weather, location, then plays the local radio show in my area for half an hour in the morning. I also have a widget that can activate this at any time when I press it (minus the radio part). Turns volume back to previous levels when done.
10. Stop Radio - Not sure this works since I'm not rooted, but it was an attempt to stop the radio playing from the above task. Luckily another task happens to fire off right after this that accomplishes it
11. Sports Tracker - This changes my display timeout and brightness and turns bluetooth on while I'm using the Sports Tracker app at the gym, then reverts back to the previous settings when done
12. Conserve battery - Changes display brightness and screen timeout when the battery goes below 15%. Used to turn off a lot more, but my galaxy nexus battery life was so abysmal that I had to take them out or I'd never get to use the phone because this profile was triggered so often haha. Now that I've got a nexus 5, maybe I'll reconsider adding some back in
13. Play music - Puts the phone into silent mode whenever any music apps are running (4 different apps) so that notifications don't interrupt the tunes.
14. Connected to speaker - Same as play music, only the context is when I'm connected to a particular bluetooth speaker instead of by app
15. Meeting - Puts phone into silent mode during events on my work calendar only
16. Ski club meeting - Same as meeting, but context by location/day/time instead of calender
17. Full battery - Plays the 1up sound from super mario when my battery is full and shows an alert notification with a battery icon

As for stuff I'd like to add, my biggest one is the popular unlock while at home one that many people have. Problem is you can't do it with pattern lock. So I have to switch to pin code, which I've been procrastinating doing. Hoping that and secure settings is all I need to pull it off, not root.

I'd also like to add something to my weather speaker that tells me how many calendar events I have that day, but haven't been able to figure this one out.

I like the profile someone mentioned earlier in this thread that takes a picture when there's a certain number of failed unlock attempts. Might try that once I get secure settings.

Great thread, thanks.


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Nov 5, 2013
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I added a Reboot button/widget to my Homescreen with Tasker which eliminates the need to hold down the Power button to turn off and then pushing it again to turn on. Saves your Power button from unnecessary use and this is a shortcut to rebooting your phone. Enjoy.

1.Long press on empty space on the desired home screen and select Widget.
2.Select New Task
3.Title it Reboot
4.Add new Action
5.Near the bottom, In the Filter section, search for Reboot
6.Type: Make sure it says Normal
7.Hit the Back button twice, it will then ask you to select an Icon
8.Select Built-in Icon
9.Choose whichever Icon you want for the widget
10.Hit the Back button (do not hit the Home button or else it will cancel/delete everything that you just did)
11.Confirm that the new widget is on the screen that you selected and you are done

itr themes

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Oct 16, 2012
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Looking for some help... I've had a bedside type task for a while now. All of the sudden though, it won't change the display brightness like it should be. Any idea of what may be preventing it from changing?

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Dec 15, 2010
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Hiya, how do you use Tasker? I have just set up a channel on BBM if you are interested? My BBM Channel for the app Tasker, it's a complex, thought provoking, time saving, automotive, innovative, customizable app, stretching the capabilities & possibilities of you & your Android.

the PIN is C0030DBE9

Hello & welcome to my BBM Channel for Tasker, I've set this up because I have (personally) found it very difficult to find help for setting up Tasker, banging ideas, profiles & problems/issues about, on BlackBerry Messenger we can do that on a one to one basis or a one to 100, I look forward to telling you my ideas, I can't wait to hear yours.

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Mar 6, 2010
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Great Thread
Okay will post this on G+ also but looking for a way to switch WiFi frequency from 2.4 to 5g. Trying to use the input tap but doesn't seem to be working or I can't get it to hit the WiFi Advance menu. Any thoughts?


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Mar 6, 2010
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Great Thread
Okay will post this on G+ also but looking for a way to switch WiFi frequency from 2.4 to 5g. Trying to use the input tap but doesn't seem to be working or I can't get it to hit the WiFi Advance menu. Any thoughts?

Figured out I had a Cap "I" in input tap. Great thread
This profile switches the phone to a WiFi frequency of 2.4 when I get to work. Then another switches it to 5g when I get home.

Is Settings (WiFi Settings
Then a small delay
Script (Run Shell) input tap x y coordinate for Menu button. (see below How to find)
Script (Run Shell) input tap x y coordinate for Advanced button (check use root)
Script (Run Shell) input tap x y coordinate for Wi-Fi frequency band area (check use root)
Script (Run Shell) input tap x y coordinate for 5 GHz only (check use root)

How to get the coordinate for screen area's. Go to settings and developer options. Scroll down to the input area. check the "Pointer location". Then click on all the buttons you need and write down the X and Y numbers for each.


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Dec 18, 2013
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please help//can someone help me to set up a profile for tasker .I want to set up a profile to remind me by saying "take your medication " between 0800 hrs. and 0915 hrs. daily .as well to have a pop up sayin "take your medication "....I tried but it only worked one day?? a very new newby !!!


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May 1, 2011
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please help//can someone help me to set up a profile for tasker .I want to set up a profile to remind me by saying "take your medication " between 0800 hrs. and 0915 hrs. daily .as well to have a pop up sayin "take your medication "....I tried but it only worked one day?? a very new newby !!!

I am trying to do something similar. If you find a way, let me know as I will let you know if I do.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk


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Apr 22, 2014
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Hi All,
I am brand new to Tasker, mainly found Tasker because the "noisy contacts" on my Llama was very unreliable.
I have several questions:
1: I would like to have some phone calls and text messages from my "VIP" contacts vibrate when at work (rest silent and even maybe have message (voice or text) auto reply that I am at work). 1a: is there any way to create a VIP list I can later use to all these tasks or do I have to manually enter it every time? 2: I have tried to create a task to have my VIP contacts vibrate, but sometimes it does sometimes it does not. What am I doing wrong? It is a very simple one:
1. Silent mode
Mode vibrate
if %CNUM ~ xxxxxxxxx| %CNUM yyyyyyyyy etc
2. ringer volume
Level 0
I work in hospital and on call a lot, so I'd use this setting there.
When at home at night, I actually would like text vibrate and call come through with some volume from VIPs - how do I use vibrate for message if phone is not in silent mode?

2: I would like my home silent period's end be variable and I want it to be ended when my alarm goes off OR at 9 am if I do not set the alarm (very rare). I assume I have to create a profile that has the alarm application on ( I use timely; so would it be profile Timely and Task: Profile status %Timely on?), and I would need to use that as an exit task from silent mode at home....yes?
So Profile night home based on time - from 11 PM -> Nighttime task (everything off, 0 and dimmed) and exit task is Timely. Am I on the right track?
But how do I combine that with the VIP calls and how do I say to end it at 9am if alarm is not set?

I will have much more questions, so sorry, I am trying but programming is very new for me

Thanks so much!

PS: I think it is even more complicated. I turn timely on when I set the alarm, so the end of the silent mode should be triggered by Timely being turned off.
So should it be: silent profile based on task: when %timely is running, task name phone silent, and exit task would be IF Timely is not set????
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May 1, 2014
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All you need to do to try it is import the xml project file and:
-Scan for cells in the "CELL NEAR" profile
-Add the SSID/s on the "WIFI NEAR TURN ON WIFI" profile (to add more than one just use "/" without the "". Ex: ssid1/ssid2/ssid3)

Hi, I am new. I use Galaxy Note 2 Android 4.3.
I can not import in Tasker the file "Auto.Wifi.prj.xml".

Any help?
Thank you

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