Tbolt Ads


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
I've been trying to keep myself from checking for new Tbolt news every 4 minutes since I have a departmental thesis I should be working on, but I can not catch a break. All day on CNN, on this website, even on Easybib while I'm trying to work on my bibliography, I keep seeing the Tbolt banners, teasing me with the thing they know I can't have yet. Curse you Verizon, just say "Feb 24th!" already so we can exhale
We'll find out soon enough

I've relented myself to knowing I'll be on vacation when it likely releases so I'll hope to pick one up when I get back.
All I know is they better have a big supply of them at launch. I'll be one of the first to pre-order when/if Verizon starts taking them
Those ads are specifically targeting you since you first clicked on them.

I have them as well :)
Speaking of these ads, here's one of questionable taste that merits discussion:


Other than referencing (arguably) the greatest Metallica album ever, is HTC or Verizon aware that "riding the lightning" is slang for execution by electric chair?
Speaking of these ads, here's one of questionable taste that merits discussion:


Other than referencing (arguably) the greatest Metallica album ever, is HTC or Verizon aware that "riding the lightning" is slang for execution by electric chair?

They know that if we dont get our hands on one soon that we r likely to do something that crazy that would result in the electric chair. ;)
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I'm not looking forward to having to sell this phone for the thunderbolt and getting a new sim card if it comes after the 24th
It's going to cost HTC a lot because I myself clicked their ad like 10 times (to see if there are any updates). I am sure others have done the same. LOL.

For those who don't know, htc has to pay money per click ($0.99 or something like that).
They know that if we dont get our hands on one soon that we r likely to do something that crazy that would result in the electric chair. ;)

I totally didn't even think about that explanation. My mind went straight to sexual :(
Maybe I am just reading into the VZW Commercial posted on Youtube for the Thunderbolt too much, but could the voice counting the 1 Mississippi etc actually be a clue to the days left till they announce the date or that it becomes available?

All in all she counts a total of 6 Mississippi...
Maybe I am just reading into the VZW Commercial posted on Youtube for the Thunderbolt too much, but could the voice counting the 1 Mississippi etc actually be a clue to the days left till they announce the date or that it becomes available?

All in all she counts a total of 6 Mississippi...

She's been counting 6 for a very long time :D
Maybe I am just reading into the VZW Commercial posted on Youtube for the Thunderbolt too much, but could the voice counting the 1 Mississippi etc actually be a clue to the days left till they announce the date or that it becomes available?

All in all she counts a total of 6 Mississippi...

I think Dan Brown's next novel is about the hidden codes in the VZW commercials. Blame the Freemason's, it's all their fault.
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