Tempered Glass Screen Protector Removal


Trusted Member
May 17, 2012
I purchased an Alpha Glass screen protector to use with my Defender case on my GS8. Before applying it, I questioned how to remove it if I wanted to try another one or when I resell it for the GS9. How do you remove it without damaging the phone as pristine devices have better resale value? If you spend $20-50 on it, does anyone else have have an issue with breaking it and damaging the phone?
I purchased an Alpha Glass screen protector to use with my Defender case on my GS8. Before applying it, I questioned how to remove it if I wanted to try another one or when I resell it for the GS9. How do you remove it without damaging the phone as pristine devices have better resale value? If you spend $20-50 on it, does anyone else have have an issue with breaking it and damaging the phone?

I've never bought a tempered glass protector for a curved screen phone b/c none seem to fit all that well from the research I've done. I have had them on other phones though. To take them off I just wiggle my fingernail under it and pull until it comes up. Usually it breaks the glass protector, but I was taking it off anyway so I wasn't concerned about that. No damage to the phones themselves though.
I purchased an Alpha Glass screen protector to use with my Defender case on my GS8. Before applying it, I questioned how to remove it if I wanted to try another one or when I resell it for the GS9. How do you remove it without damaging the phone as pristine devices have better resale value? If you spend $20-50 on it, does anyone else have have an issue with breaking it and damaging the phone?

I would never leave a glass on my phone for a whole year. It may leave permanent residue from dust. I change mine every 4 months.
Doesn't take much. Just get lift a corner with your fingernail and pull it off. Not difficult. Don't over think it. And leaving one on for a year doesn't do anything bad to the device lol. These myths people come up with lol.
Thanks for the quick responses. This is my first curved display device and first device not on a two year contract price plus the cost of the Defender and the Alpha Glass.
Question- why take the screen protector off? I always leave mine on when selling as it is a value add.
Question- why take the screen protector off? I always leave mine on when selling as it is a value add.

Normally, I resell to AT&T or Best Buy and I have always sold a pristine device. I have never used an accessory that adheres to it with adhesive.

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