UPDATE: This post was originally intended to be about pre-LTE, pre-Network Vision speeds. But just as Sprint's Network is evolving, so will this post. Feel free to post any speeds you'd like (3G pre or post upgrades, LTE, or WiMax), but please clearly state what network the speed is based on for everyone's benefit.
Original post appears below:
I've seen a lot of talk about how slow Sprint's network is recently. Especially with the very nice new hardware Sprint is getting (i.e. GNex, Evo LTE, GS3), a lot of reviews say, "Great phone, slow network". I thought it would be good to put that to the test and collect as many speed tests as possible.
Here are some groundrules. Feel free to provide any feedback or suggestions:
That's all I can think of right now. I'll go first. I hope we have fun with this...
Original post appears below:
I've seen a lot of talk about how slow Sprint's network is recently. Especially with the very nice new hardware Sprint is getting (i.e. GNex, Evo LTE, GS3), a lot of reviews say, "Great phone, slow network". I thought it would be good to put that to the test and collect as many speed tests as possible.
Here are some groundrules. Feel free to provide any feedback or suggestions:
- Since WiMax is dying and LTE hasn't rolled out yet, we're going to focus on 3G speeds. If you're in a area with WiMax you're welcome to post WiMax speeds also.
- Network speed can fluctate a lot based on signal strength, network traffic, etc. I'd definitely recommend doing several speed test in different areas and at different times of day. It'd be great if you could give us an idea of how many speed tests you're basing your post on and if you're posting a maximum or an average or a range.
- Post your download and upload speed. Screenshots are welcome.
- Post your phone. (Some people say that speed can vary with device, some say it shouldn't. I don't know, but let us know what you're testing on.)
- Post your location. If you're in a major city, tell us which one. If you're not in a major city, at least give us an idea of where you are in your state (e.g. southeastern Louisiana)
- If you need a speed test app, SpeedTest.net seems to be the most common one. You can get it for free here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.zwanoo.android.speedtest
- Let us know if your area has had Sprint's "Network Vision" upgrades to the 3G network. If you don't know, you can find out here: https://network.sprint.com/ If you are in an area that's been upgraded, it would be great if you could give us an idea of how much of a change in speed you've seen. If you've got old speedtest data that you can share from before the upgrade, that's even better. (The SpeedTest.net app stores all your speed test history.)
- Ultimately, this shouldn't be about bits of data flying through the air; this should be about user experience. So let us know about your experiences. Can you stream music? ... low quality or high quality video? Do slow speeds interfere with web browsing? Is the network fast enough for your needs? Do you have any experience with other carrier's network speeds (remember we're focusing on 3G)? How do they compare?
That's all I can think of right now. I'll go first. I hope we have fun with this...
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