Things people miss from WebOS


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Apr 30, 2010
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I got my EVO last friday and I just want to say now that I love it, but getting used to Android is taking me awhile to master but its all good. I had used the Palm Pre for the past year and fell in love with WebOS, but with the crappy hardware and small app count i felt it was time to switch phones. There are a couple of things that i do miss though and i just wanted to know what other people who switched to the Evo from WebOS missed.

1. Touchstone - will become available for the EVO in good time

2. Homebrew (I haven't yet learned about rooting or rom's so this might change) -THe evo doesn't need homebrew it comes built with everything needed. You dont have to root the phone to have the things that it should have like the pre

3. How easy it was to search the app catalog. There might have only been 2700 apps but finding the one you were looking for was pretty easy. -I can;t name 1 app from the PRe that was a must have for me.. On the EVO -Shazam, bar code scanner, Google goggles just to name a few..

4.. same thing as 3 so I deleted that one..

For the EVo -
bigger screen- yes please.
4g- Oh heck yes Please.
I dont miss my pre.

05 TypeS DC5

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Jun 9, 2010
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I like the usability of Pre, switching between apps and better multitasking. Easier access to Linux as well. Android feels thrown together, not as well designed interface, but can do so so much more. Not missing the Pre in the end. But it is a great OS with a very solid, well though out architecture.


i still use my pre as my personal phone but this evo is really growing on me fast. lol


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May 18, 2010
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i miss the cards to switch between apps. on this evo hardware that would be wicked. i also miss the gestures but thats only cause i'm not completely used to android yet. i gotta say though i've found android superior in almost every other way. dam when i hit a button the app or whatever actually starts like instantaneously. its amazing not having to wait for 5 seconds every time. i really like the app catalog too. and the screen size is just amazing coming from the pre. thanks android & evo. u've made me really excited about my phone again.


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May 24, 2010
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I really miss having multiple cards & just being able to swipe back & forth to switch between cards.
If they could have put WEBOS on the EVO Hardware, it would be Kick A**.
That said I really am enjoying Android with the HTC Sense. :cool:


Jun 8, 2010
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@Gelst I can't think of any app that was on the pre thats not on android that i would consider a must have, just some apps i liked that i can't yet find good enough replacements. Most of them were good time wasting games like fall-e that game was awesome and i've tried finding fall-e type games on android but like drop seems to be rated the best out of those type of games but still doesn't compare. Any of the productivity apps android has completely blows webOS out of the water. So missing some fall-e action while i'm in the waiting room doesn't even bother me when i can do some other stuff on my phone that WebOS just couldn't do


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May 17, 2010
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Since everyone has already posted the usual things Pre users miss, the one app I'm REALLY missing is Mileage Monitor to track my car's MPG and cost per 100 miles stats. The apps I've seen for Android look more like mileage tracking apps for people who put in for mileage reimbursement. Any suggestions? Thanks.


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Jun 2, 2010
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I miss a couple of apps: What's for Dinner and Geostrings; and I miss the notifications. Those are great apps that I haven't found equivalents for on Android. The interface on WebOS is great, but it's great on Android, too, it's just different. I've gotten used to it now and am more than happy with it.


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Jun 2, 2010
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I miss a bunch of stuff:

1. Touchstone. Should be technology of the decade. I have one in my truck, and another on my desk at work. It was just SO nice to be able to get into my vehicle and set the phone on the TS and have it charging and have it automatically connect to my stereo through Bluetooth. Total bliss. Now I have to find a place to put my EVO and manually hook up the juice every time. And on my desk to listen to Podcasts and music through my desk speakers it's a two-cord affair.

2. Integrated email inbox.

3. Separate control of screen off and screen lock times. Last night I was at my son's award banquet and was taking pictures and I had to leave my phone on the whole time because when I shut off the screen the phone actually locks. On the Pre I could set it such that I could turn off the screen but it wouldn't actually lock. Plus, I had a big fat numeric keypad for my PIN entry screen and could unlock with my thumb on the Pre.

4. The ability to easily control what's running.

5. Swiping left and right to delete rather than a bunch of clicking.

6. Apps that cost half as much.

7. The camera. Wasn't as flexible and didn't have all the settings, but it takes fantastic photos.

8. Being able to hook up to my wifi at home when it's set to not broadcast SSID.

9. A physical keyboard.

10. Universal search was much better, especially being able to get to contact in the firm GAL without a bunch of hunting and pecking.

Don't get me wrong, I love my EVO. But I still think WebOS is THE best mobile OS on the planet.


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Jun 10, 2010
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Unified messaging

One thing I miss is having SMS and IM coming into the same "messaging" app. Can Android do anything like that? If email could too that would be super. I guess I'm referring to a more Blackberry-like messaging app...


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May 20, 2010
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The only thing i miss is the Checkbook app, the unified email box, & swiping to delete. Android is superior in every other way.

I am using K-9 Mail for my email client as it has support for IMap idle. If you download the latest version, not the one int eh marketplace, then it has an integrated inbox. You also swipe right to mark the message and then you can bulk delete all marked messages, etc.

I personally find it a lot better than the stock HTC app for my purposes.


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May 25, 2010
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If you missing the touchstone as much as i am comming in July for 39.99 powermat has a new intergrated battery technology where they just replace the stock battery under factory cover and set it on a mat and its charging. in the link below they have several devices including a couple HTC devices

YouTube - Powermat PowerPak at CTIA 2010

No EVO though.... :( I had to give my touchstone to my 11yr old for her pre.... the touchstone is about all I am missing.


Apr 11, 2010
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Current Pre user here. I am certain that the Evo supports multiple gmail accounts for email, but can you access contacts and calendar for each of those accounts?

With the Pre I have 5 gmail accounts. I have simultanious access to the contacts and calendar of each of these accounts. In other words, my contact list includes every contact in all five of these accounts.

Does the Evo support gmail accounts in this way?


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Mar 13, 2010
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checkbook app?? Which one?? Clearcheckbook is what I used on the Pre and it has an android app.

There is an app on WebOS that is just called "Checkbook". Probably the best checkbook app I've ever seen. I tried ClearCheckbook and I couldn't stand it.

On my Evo (and previously on Moment) I have been using "Loot". It's really basic, but it does the job and it's free. I really don't care about categories and stuff, I just want to know how much money I have in the bank. I did the free trial of Easy Money, it's nice but I didn't want to pay 10 bucks for it.
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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2010
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There is an app on WebOS that is just called "Checkbook". Probably the best checkbook app I've ever seen. I tried ClearCheckbook and I couldn't stand it.

On my Evo (and previously on Moment) I have been using "Loot". It's really basic, but it does the job and it's free. I really don't care about categories and stuff, I just want to know how much money I have in the bank. I did the free trial of Easy Money, it's nice but I didn't want to pay 10 bucks for it.

Ditto, the WebOS Checkbook was the best I had seen and ALWAYS updated. I am using loot too.


Trusted Member
Oct 30, 2009
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I'm missing the email functions of WebOS. Google seriously needs to revamp the mail app on the Evo. Lets see what Froyo brings to the table.

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