Q&A Team
I've had enough of T-Mobile. I've had three lines on a promo that they introduced a few years back called All In. This included at the time, Binge On with the ability to turn it off, tethering at 128Mbps which is slow, and one or two other things I can't remember. Over the past few months, they took away the ability to turn Binge On, off so unless I pay $15 more per month, YouTube and other videos sites stream at 480p.
Have you tried the T-Force/email to the CEO's office support options? It shouldn't take all that, but apparently it's a normalized part of "award winning customer service" these days.
If TMO coverage/speeds are good for you, check out MVNOs--especially if you don't need unlimited on all lines. Operating on the #3 network might mean attractive pricing.