Anyone else get a lot of Time Without Signal? Today my phone has been on for over 13 hours & the tws is at 43% & used the second most battery. This has been pretty normal since I got it. I had a Nexus S 4g before that died & I got the same thing until I put roam control on it, then it was much better. I've been using it on here for a while too, hoping it would help, but it hasn't unfortunately. Is there anything I can do to help it? I've updated the prl a couple times to make sure I'm up to date. Only other thing I can think of is to try to get an airave from sprint. It's worst at work, just a big warehouse type building, but I've never gotten a decent signal there. Home isn't great, but it's better.
I really do love this phone, even more than the Nexus. The 3D is really cool to now that I've gotten the hang of looking at it. I just hope this signal thing will get better.
Sent from my HTC Evo 3D
I really do love this phone, even more than the Nexus. The 3D is really cool to now that I've gotten the hang of looking at it. I just hope this signal thing will get better.
Sent from my HTC Evo 3D