Today is the 18th. WHERE'S MY FROYO!!!


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Jul 16, 2010
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Even though tomorrow is the weekend, will they still send out updates or do we have to wait for Monday?

The reason it is rolling out late on Friday is specifically because it lets them push much of the OTA out over the weekend. Come on guys, remember peak and off-peak minutes? Remember paying less for calls made during the evening and on weekends?

Yeah, well Verizon sure does, and they aren't gonna push out the OTA at 10am on a Monday, they want to get a head start on it during the longest period of off-peak hours in a week.


Apr 23, 2010
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for those of you who are rooted here is what to do. Download the file from here - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!, than put it on your sd card, go into clockwork recovery, do a wipe date/factory reset, than wipe catch partition, than apply the above downloaded file zip from the sd card than reboot. This file will only update the Froyo Rom it is the official one but without the radio upgrade. If you don't have the 2.15 radio check the forums . Also this will upgrade the superuser version to 2.3.4 and change the superuser icon from what we are used to seeing to something that resembles a pirate lol but you keep root and tether and have the official OTA. Got this info from XDA and worked like a charm. Also, if you have the 2.05 radio and want to upgrade to 2.15, first download unrevoked forever from and be very careful because you DON'T WANT A BRICK !!!!


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May 12, 2010
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I thought the rumor was that the update would be pushed to roughly 10,000 phones the first day (beta release style), then 100,000 the next, and 200,000 each day after until everyone was covered.

Can't remember where I read it, though, as I've been scouring all of the forums all day for kernels of info.

Sorry, meant "a few thousand people" in my post. There was a thread this morning where one of those dudes who claims to be an insider said it would be very slow at first with more dramatic ramp up after the first week or so. Not necessarily gospel, but that does seem to be how VZW rolls these.


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Aug 27, 2010
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I think the big red engineers are sitting around with popcorn watching us all squirm like little pigs laughing their asses off.:( how mean can you be?


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Aug 28, 2010
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Another thing to remember

We should remember that, in reality, the number of people on these forums is small relative to the total number of Incredibles in service. I'd guess significantly less that 1/7 of the Incredible user base. So, if it takes 7 days to roll it out, the probability that any of us have gotten it is, IMHO, small. Especially if they start with smaller sets at first.

? {?


Well-known member
May 15, 2010
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Re: Has anyone received the rumored 8/27 OTA Froyo update?

Nope. Did the old 228. And manually checked for updates. Nothing :(

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2010
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I am hoping to get the update before 6:30 tomorrow....if not, I am praying NOT to get it till after midnight into Sunday...if it comes through during the Apocalyptica concert in Philly, and I lose the ability to take vid, I will be royally PISSED.


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Jun 8, 2010
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OK, let us review the key points from today's discussion:

1 - The rollout has started today, and will be incremental over the next 7 to 14 days, depending on who you listen to. Its starting small today (around 10k rollouts), and will ramp up to include more owners over the next few days.

2 - Just because no one on here is showing 'proof' of an OTA doesn't mean it hasn't happened. They are too busy taking 720p videos than wasting time posting with us non-OTA losers.

3 - Again, IT DOESN'T MATTER ONE IOTA WHERE YOU ARE WHEN YOU ARE NOT GETTING YOUR UPDATE!!! Again, the OTA is being rolled out at TOTAL randomization and not to one state/area code/billing number/ethnicity/shoe size/etc. And I don't care if you sleep on a cot in the basement of the Verizon HQ, that doesn't mean you're getting your update any quicker than the rest of us.

Did I miss anything?


Aug 28, 2010
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I downloaded the newest Froyo leak (8/26, build 3.21xxx) and it was awwwesome. I only downgraded back to stock 2.1 to add some more excitement into my weekend.

If I run into a situation where I need 720p video recording desperately I can always restore my backup of the Froyo rom.

Seriously it's 99% positive to be the same as the OTA we're all pining for. There's step-by-step instructions on how to do it over at xda.

BTW I like everyone declaring their locations, kind of like some obscure roll call sound-off.

Philadelphia! No update, sir!

Is Verizon the worst middle-man ever? Sir, yes sir!



Jul 13, 2010
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9:50 PM eastern time here in Orlando, FL and still no froyo update for my DI, 6 Glasses of scotch and a cigar later and i dont fell any better about it.

i mean maybe you need a better scotch.....or cigar..sounds like a good night to me, i'm in the process of moving so i at least have something to keep my occupied while waiting!

no 2.2 in boston....