Ugh!! Looks like my screen died on my N20U. Suggestions?

Constant update... So I call the store that has my phone now... they confirmed what the phone support rep told me on Friday that the store tried another screen and it worked! But because they weren't the store that did my first screen replacement I need to take it back there to let THEM do the work otherwise they need to charge me for another screen! The same people that didn't do the first screen replacement properly AND scratched my back glass.

I asked the person at the store why the phone is labeled "Unrepairable" by Case Management and they said no the phone it fine and new screen works... just they can't do it without charging me.

I have no desire to take my phone back to the other store that messed up the screen replacement and scratched up the paint on my phone in the first place.

Can you get a statement from other store and take it back to first store to get refund?
Can you get a statement from other store and take it back to first store to get refund?

Emailed my case manager of my findings talking to the store that has my phone and re-emphasizing that they said the phone and screen is repairable and see what they say. It's ridiculous. Case management should have the ability to push a refund on their work... since it wasn't done properly... and then I'd have no problem if the other store wants to charge me for their work... at a cheaper price I might add lol.

But because of the cosmetic damage on the screen and hopes for it to all be taken care of I have to wait to see what Case Management says.

Ridiculous though... I can just imagine the other shop ordering a new screen, installing it to test... and they go ahead and uninstall it and put back the defective screen because I need to take the phone back to the other shop?? :confused: I hope that's not what they did.
Emailed my case manager of my findings talking to the store that has my phone and re-emphasizing that they said the phone and screen is repairable and see what they say. It's ridiculous. Case management should have the ability to push a refund on their work... since it wasn't done properly... and then I'd have no problem if the other store wants to charge me for their work... at a cheaper price I might add lol.

But because of the cosmetic damage on the screen and hopes for it to all be taken care of I have to wait to see what Case Management says.

Ridiculous though... I can just imagine the other shop ordering a new screen, installing it to test... and they go ahead and uninstall it and put back the defective screen because I need to take the phone back to the other shop?? :confused: I hope that's not what they did.
What a mess this has become, I hope they do right by you and agree the case manager should fix all this :(
What a mess this has become, I hope they do right by you and agree the case manager should fix all this :(

After a couple of days of calling and asking for my case manager and being promised a callback, etc., finally got a call back from my Case Manager. He confirmed what I said... the 2nd store verified the replacement screen by Store #1 was bad.

But case manager is sending second store #2 a shipping label and having them ship it to a 3rd ubreakifix store across town to replace the screen under warranty and said they will also replace the back glass :confused:. Whatever the reason why they are sending to store #3 I was done arguing and said thanks and now I wait.

In the meantime, I am browsing Reddit and decide to check the N20U discussion and scroll down some posts 2-3-4 month back to see if anyone else posting dead screen "Black screen of death" issues too... just a few... :confused:
After a couple of days of calling and asking for my case manager and being promised a callback, etc., finally got a call back from my Case Manager. He confirmed what I said... the 2nd store verified the replacement screen by Store #1 was bad.

But case manager is sending second store #2 a shipping label and having them ship it to a 3rd ubreakifix store across town to replace the screen under warranty and said they will also replace the back glass :confused:. Whatever the reason why they are sending to store #3 I was done arguing and said thanks and now I wait.

In the meantime, I am browsing Reddit and decide to check the N20U discussion and scroll down some posts 2-3-4 month back to see if anyone else posting dead screen "Black screen of death" issues too... just a few... :confused:
What drama huh :(
Glad its going to work out though.
It's weird this happened but think I'll do my own repair for sure if it does happen to me.
What drama huh :(
Glad its going to work out though.
It's weird this happened but think I'll do my own repair for sure if it does happen to me.

Drama not over...

I just got a call from the North Lauderdale store (store #2)... first to tell me the phone was ready and that I needed to pay for the work... then when I told them Case Management told me they told them to ship with to Store #3, he then looks at the order... and clarified they didn't do the work (?!!) and that they weren't aware that they were going to get a shipping label to send to a third store. And then after telling me they were going to call case management to get information what to do, they called back and said that Case Management cannot send them a shipping label and I need to pick up the phone and take it myself to the third ubreakifix store across town myself and assured yes they will take care under warranty.

If the case manager said it would be this much trouble 5 days ago to send them a ship label to send to another store, I would have picked it up and delivered it 5 days ago.

Ubreakifix... a joke.
Drama not over...

I just got a call from the North Lauderdale store (store #2)... first to tell me the phone was ready and that I needed to pay for the work... then when I told them Case Management told me they told them to ship with to Store #3, he then looks at the order... and clarified they didn't do the work (?!!) and that they weren't aware that they were going to get a shipping label to send to a third store. And then after telling me they were going to call case management to get information what to do, they called back and said that Case Management cannot send them a shipping label and I need to pick up the phone and take it myself to the third ubreakifix store across town myself and assured yes they will take care under warranty.

If the case manager said it would be this much trouble 5 days ago to send them a ship label to send to another store, I would have picked it up and delivered it 5 days ago.

Ubreakifix... a joke.
Im sorry your going through this , what a nightmare :( geez
Many people on reddit had their screens replaced for this BSOD issue by ubreakifix with no drama. I was just unlucky I guess with bad replacement part and bad service/damage from first store.

I got a chance to hold my phone for about half an hour before I got across town and had to give it back. But boy I love the design of the phone and how thin it is.

I talked to this tech at Store#3 and he also confirmed that he’s seen his share of Note 20 Ultra with black screen of death issues. He pulled out the replacement parts from the back room to show me he has a brand new back glass and a brand new screen for me. So hopefully this will be the last trip and I said please take it good care of my phone lol.

Lucky I had a white phone because he said that the Black and Bronze parts been on back order since October. Because when you replace the screen it’s the entire front component including top and bottom so those are color matched to the phone where the white uses a polished finish.

Im sorry your going through this , what a nightmare :( geez
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My Note 20 Ultra 4 months old just went Black screen on me. I was told this was a known issue with this phone by the authorized tech.
My Note 20 Ultra 4 months old just went Black screen on me. I was told this was a known issue with this phone by the authorized tech.

4 months old... lucky you'll be able to get it fixed for free under warranty. $350 out of pocket for me. :(
Many people on reddit had their screens replaced for this BSOD issue by ubreakifix with no drama. I was just unlucky I guess with bad replacement part and bad service/damage from first store.

I got a chance to hold my phone for about half an hour before I got across town and had to give it back. But boy I love the design of the phone and how thin it is.

I talked to this tech at Store#3 and he also confirmed that he’s seen his share of Note 20 Ultra with black screen of death issues. He pulled out the replacement parts from the back room to show me he has a brand new back glass and a brand new screen for me. So hopefully this will be the last trip and I said please take it good care of my phone lol.

Lucky I had a white phone because he said that the Black and Bronze parts been on back order since October. Because when you replace the screen it’s the entire front component including top and bottom so those are color matched to the phone where the white uses a polished finish.
Hopefully soon gets straightened out , do they know the cause of this happening?
No one gave any info if they knew it but almost all the stores had commented that they seen a number of them. I wouldn't doubt there is an issue... maybe with a batch of them and will see those stories trickle in but not enough to gain enough attention if they happen after a year and out of warranty like mine. At least it's not a Note 20 "Fireball." :eek: But we'll see how often someone posts about it on reddit or here in the future.

Hopefully soon gets straightened out , do they know the cause of this happening?
No one gave any info if they knew it but almost all the stores had commented that they seen a number of them. I wouldn't doubt there is an issue... maybe with a batch of them and will see those stories trickle in but not enough to gain enough attention if they happen after a year and out of warranty like mine. At least it's not a Note 20 "Fireball." :eek: But we'll see how often someone posts about it on reddit or here in the future.
Yeah agree
Drama not over...

I just got a call from the North Lauderdale store (store #2)... first to tell me the phone was ready and that I needed to pay for the work... then when I told them Case Management told me they told them to ship with to Store #3, he then looks at the order... and clarified they didn't do the work (?!!) and that they weren't aware that they were going to get a shipping label to send to a third store. And then after telling me they were going to call case management to get information what to do, they called back and said that Case Management cannot send them a shipping label and I need to pick up the phone and take it myself to the third ubreakifix store across town myself and assured yes they will take care under warranty.

If the case manager said it would be this much trouble 5 days ago to send them a ship label to send to another store, I would have picked it up and delivered it 5 days ago.

Ubreakifix... a joke.

This is just a truly unfathomable experience you've had to endure.
This is just a truly unfathomable experience you've had to endure.

Yeah. This was just a terrible experience with UBREAKIFIX.

I dropped off at store #3 two days ago and they were able to replace the screen and back glass in one hour!! But I couldn't pick up until today because they couldn't release it until the higher ups were able to credit the store for the work. :confused: There is such a disconnect with the UBREAKIFIX corp and the stores they deal with. Ridiculous that other stores can't do warranty work done from other UBREAKIFIX stores eh?? :confused:

But nagging the person managing DMs on the UBREAKIFIX Twitter site (lol I have been bothering UBREAKIFIX through every avenue I could find), he contacted my CM that then got in a three way call with whoever to approve the work and now I can pick up my phone after work.

I've spent 29 days since first dropping off my phone to be fixed... 29 days to finally get someone to approve another store to do what the first one should have done in an hour... replace the faulty screen they charged me $350 for.

I just hope that the phone really is 100% when I get it back. I will reset it again, clear cache and spend another 4 days getting my apps setup like it was and see if it really is 100%.

I'm glad they OK'd the new back screen but thinking... the new screen won't have my IMEI number etched into it like the original. I wonder if Samsung will basically say $0 trade in value if I decide to try like say... for an S22 Ultra... because they see the screen has been replaced so been opened/tampered. :confused: Oh Well. It was worth $0 if I kept the orginal with scratched back panel anyways.
I posted my Review on Google of my experience with the UBREAKIFIX store I originally took it to linked below...

I was busy contacting their corporate CM, DM'ing their twitter site etc., to get someone to pay the guys that repaired my phone so that they can finally release it to me... While I was on a roll I figured I'd just write my review on the Google site I unfortunately used to find the nearest UBREAKIFIX to me to get it fixed... and surprisingly I get a call on my cell phone from the OWNER of that store!! lol.

He read my one-star review I gave him and he spends the next 5 minutes profusely apologizing for what happened, didn't know it happened, new employees most likely and that I spent 29 days trying to get it fixed and offered to give me a full refund if I stop by tomorrow with my receipt. And of course I think he wants me to edit my review afterwards but didn't ask directly.

So hopefully after work I pick up my phone from Store #3 and then tomorrow hope to get a refund for the work they DIDN'T do on my phone and we'll see if I am satisfied enough to edit my review. In the meantime... I leave the following review for the time being :eek:

Wish I thought of writing the review on Google 28 days ago. :-!!2s0x0:0x8616723365a78d78?hl=en-US&shorturl=1
29 days laters… back in hand and outside of the IBREAKIFIX store gotta take a few pics. Looking pretty… and feels good in the hands…;)

New screen assembly which includes the entire frame and new battery and also a new back cover... so the whole outside is pretty much new? And this one also has the slick screen protector from the factory. And surprise... the tap to wake works.;)

We’ll see if the rest of phone really works setting it back up.


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Glad you finally got your phone back. You definitely should not have had to go through all of this for as long as you did.

As for your review, I wouldn't take it down. I'd modify it to show that the first store that messed up the repair finally came through with the refund, but the review is still the same.
Yeah... The original store that I took it to gave me a refund for their screen replacement back to my credit card so I am happy I think it's over now. Spent until late into the eve factory erasing and restoring and setting up my phone to... 80%?? Gonna take a few days to slowly get it all the apps and settings back to normal. But so far so good.

I didn't take down the review... but I did give him a couple more stars because he did contact me and offered the refund which took a bit of the frustration out of it. And when I went to store today to get the refund he and the store manager apologized back and forth again and seemed like a young businessman trying to make it work so... so I did edit it a little and took some of the anger and sarcasm out of my review and maybe some details but I think I kept it honest and said they messed up... I wouldn't have gone through spending all this time with corp to get my phone to where it is if they would have taken responsibility for it in the first place. They offered other free item but I didn't take them up on it. Refund I felt was fair.

UBREAKIFIX corp bears as much blame I feel where the first store didn't do the right thing, they weren't any better in doing the right thing and just OK the work to be fixed instead of trying to figure out where to send me my phone to be fixed.

Back to enjoying my phone I hope. I use my iPhone as my outdoor/running phone and was ok using it for the last few weeks but I did realize I missed some little things on Android/OneUI and glad to be back on it.

Glad you finally got your phone back. You definitely should not have had to go through all of this for as long as you did.

As for your review, I wouldn't take it down. I'd modify it to show that the first store that messed up the repair finally came through with the refund, but the review is still the same.
Yeah... The original store that I took it to gave me a refund for their screen replacement back to my credit card so I am happy I think it's over now. Spent until late into the eve factory erasing and restoring and setting up my phone to... 80%?? Gonna take a few days to slowly get it all the apps and settings back to normal. But so far so good.

I didn't take down the review... but I did give him a couple more stars because he did contact me and offered the refund which took a bit of the frustration out of it. And when I went to store today to get the refund he and the store manager apologized back and forth again and seemed like a young businessman trying to make it work so... so I did edit it a little and took some of the anger and sarcasm out of my review and maybe some details but I think I kept it honest and said they messed up... I wouldn't have gone through spending all this time with corp to get my phone to where it is if they would have taken responsibility for it in the first place. They offered other free item but I didn't take them up on it. Refund I felt was fair.

UBREAKIFIX corp bears as much blame I feel where the first store didn't do the right thing, they weren't any better in doing the right thing and just OK the work to be fixed instead of trying to figure out where to send me my phone to be fixed.

Back to enjoying my phone I hope. I use my iPhone as my outdoor/running phone and was ok using it for the last few weeks but I did realize I missed some little things on Android/OneUI and glad to be back on it.

If I ever have a problem I may need to hire you as my representative! :D:D

It was your tenaciousness that got this situation resolved.

I'm happy you can move forward with the phone repaired to your satisfaction & put this ordeal behind you!

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