Unofficial 2.1 Available for Hero

the devlopers over on xda have it flashing on the sprint hero but have a few more bugs to work out before its up and riunning right
This is the version for GSM Heroes. A CDMA version for Sprint Heroes can't be far behind, though. Patiently waiting....
I've got it running on my Sprint Hero, but only a few things are working so far.
bluetooth and calling (send and recieve)

some pretty cool tweaks with the new version, I love the power control widget :D
I've got it running on my Sprint Hero, but only a few things are working so far.
bluetooth and calling (send and recieve)

HOW? could you do a write up on how you got it to work? Any and all info on how you got it to work would be greatly appreciated
I have everything except accelerometer and simultaneous voice/data working here. It's a matter of stripping and "re-mixing" the kernel. The fellas at XDA seem to be set on using that old g1 GSM kernel that drizzy put in the leak when he cleared the watermark and put it out for the dream. They need to be working with the kernel that was in it when HTC leaked it out.....but you know xda...they like to do things their own way :)

And no, it's not even close yet. Once everything gets worked out in the running kernel, boot and init scripts need built so the phone boots and operates without being tied to a PC. Ideally, a whole new kernel would need to be built but HTC doesn't seem to think they need to abide by the terms they agreed to in the gpl. Anyone here a lawyer and wants to help out with a cease and desist letter to HTC? :D
I have everything except accelerometer and simultaneous voice/data working here. It's a matter of stripping and "re-mixing" the kernel. The fellas at XDA seem to be set on using that old g1 GSM kernel that drizzy put in the leak when he cleared the watermark and put it out for the dream. They need to be working with the kernel that was in it when HTC leaked it out.....but you know xda...they like to do things their own way :)

And no, it's not even close yet. Once everything gets worked out in the running kernel, boot and init scripts need built so the phone boots and operates without being tied to a PC. Ideally, a whole new kernel would need to be built but HTC doesn't seem to think they need to abide by the terms they agreed to in the gpl. Anyone here a lawyer and wants to help out with a cease and desist letter to HTC? :D

htc is saying its up to sprint to release the kernal now now this sucks i thought android was supposed to be an open source now we have to play wait for the carrier or wait for htc
lol. You got that form letter from HTC too? That doesn't apply to the kernel source, and they know it. They are just passing out something generic until they decide how to respond to all the demands for the open source kernel and driver/module code that they used to build it. Seems like ****** bags run companies in Taiwan just like they do in the US :D
So is this leak something close to the 2.1 that everyone is waiting for? If so, what does it add or fix?
I have everything except accelerometer and simultaneous voice/data working here. It's a matter of stripping and "re-mixing" the kernel. The fellas at XDA seem to be set on using that old g1 GSM kernel that drizzy put in the leak when he cleared the watermark and put it out for the dream. They need to be working with the kernel that was in it when HTC leaked it out.....but you know xda...they like to do things their own way :)

And no, it's not even close yet. Once everything gets worked out in the running kernel, boot and init scripts need built so the phone boots and operates without being tied to a PC. Ideally, a whole new kernel would need to be built but HTC doesn't seem to think they need to abide by the terms they agreed to in the gpl. Anyone here a lawyer and wants to help out with a cease and desist letter to HTC? :D

from what I've been reading at xda, they haven't been able to track down the newer kernel.
You don't happen to know where to grab it do you?
This was a leak of Sense UI and Android 2.1 for the GSM HTC Hero. This has nothing to do with the Moto Droid or the HTC Desire (Eris). It has very little to do with the Sprint or Cell South Hero. What it does give us is Sense UI updated to work with the 2.x system, which is what everyone has been worried about getting. Now it stands to reason that the CDMA Hero and Eris will soon get a true 2.x update from HTC, and if/when the Droid gets rooted, this can be ported over.

Moto is only worried about Blur and the Cliq. Verizon (like Sprint) is as useless as usual and will never be able to provide anything unless it's hand delivered to them. Even though it would only take an hour for someone at Moto with dev functions enabled on a Droid to build and send 2.1 for testing, absolutely no sources say this has happened yet. VZW is typically a leak heaven, as VZW Blackberry users already know, so I seriously doubt this has been done. Unless someone there is suddenly VERY good at keeping secrets, there is no 2.1 on the immediate horizon for the Droid. Only time will tell.

HTC confirms that the 2.1 update for the CDMA Hero is developed, but they say the carriers (Sprint and Cell South) have to test and it's up to them to distribute. Cell South will likely wait until Sprint tests and releases then just trust them. The Desire (Eris) is very similar to the Hero, so it stands to reason that 2.x is in development for it as well. HTC will not confirm this however. The only thing we (the community) need from Sprint is the compiled binaries for their proprietary software. The source for Android 2.x is released, and easy to build. BUT - back to HTC needing to release the kernel source for their drivers. They have been presented with several letters and notices demanding the source per the GNU license, but they are slow to respond. A search for an attorney (preferably a Taiwanese attorney) is already underway. The Dream/GSM community patiently waited and it took almost a year for HTC to comply. I (as well as many others) refuse to wait, and will either be getting refunds + damages (for development time spent) from Sprint and HTC or they will release the code. Cases like this have been in front of the US courts before, and are easily winnable...the requirements to use the Linux kernel code are plain and in easy to read English - If you use, you MUST release the source code with the binaries.

The leak was passed around a bit, and Drizzy (one of the top dev's for the HTC Dream community) got hold of it and mashed together a ROM with the Dream's kernel and drivers, then posted it. Thats what this is. It's no longer watermarked as a leak, but it uses an older version of the GSM kernel. The original version has a newer kernel version, but it's still watermarked (like in the screenshots posted).

There are two groups working at getting it running on CDMA (Sprint only) Hero's. At XDA they are trying to mix and match using the Dream kernel (it has both CDMA and GSM support, as it's also used for the ADP), and another group trying to pull together something that works with the new kernel. As it stands now, we're both at a standstill. HTC refuses to post the source for their kernel (even though it's REQUIRED by the license they agreed to when they built and distributed it), so we can't rebuild the new kernel, and the xda guys can't add functions needed for the Sprint radio.

The good news- It looks like there is finally going to be some cooperation between the two groups, as likely packets between the kernel and dialer functions need to be intercepted and a custom interface layer needs built. Then either kernel should work.

For now, this is a neat way to see HTC Sense on 2.1, but unless you're tethered to a Linux PC you're going to get nothing but a very buggy dialer and bluetooth...and even then it's a crash happy monster.

Sorry for the wall of text, but I think this pretty well explains the current situation.
from what I've been reading at xda, they haven't been able to track down the newer kernel.
You don't happen to know where to grab it do you?

Yes, but I agreed not to distribute it. I'm not sure what the beef between Drizzy and co. and the CDMA guys at XDA is...but I'm staying out of it :)

I will say whoever leaked out the screenshots before the watermark was fixed should have it, and it's evident they have no qualms about breaking agreements. Look hard at who Drizzy's is following on twitter. I'm almost 100% certain you'll find who you need to ask.

So for the record - I'm not releasing it to anyone, and neither is Slingsh0t. Don't cut us out of the loop next time you get some goodies ;)
gotcha, I'll see what I can find... ;)

sit back and take a breather, lol.
You summed everything up very nicely.

Anthing I find I will definately share!
Can you explain???? I am curious and excited! :D
since not much is working (see below) there isn't a whole lot of new, but I like the new menus and some of the things SpareParts offered, are now incorporated.

There was a new app (mind it really simple) called MountUSB, that did just that, once placing it on my homscreen, mounting/dismounting was only 1 click away. There was also a new widget called Power Control or something similar that simply displayed all your connections, clicking any of them would enable/disable it. Very similar to the current HTC widgets, but all contained in 1.

Here's a pic that shows it.

HOW? could you do a write up on how you got it to work? Any and all info on how you got it to work would be greatly appreciated

Here's a site that has everything listed that's been worked out from the CDMA xda threads.
Geek For Me ? Blog Archive ? Download: CDMA Hero Android 2.1 Eclair [DEVS]

After flashing the 2.1 rom, if you simply just run adb shell, you can make ans recieve calls. Everyting else they have figured out requires tweaking so far.
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Yes, but I agreed not to distribute it. I'm not sure what the beef between Drizzy and co. and the CDMA guys at XDA is...but I'm staying out of it :)

I will say whoever leaked out the screenshots before the watermark was fixed should have it, and it's evident they have no qualms about breaking agreements. Look hard at who Drizzy's is following on twitter. I'm almost 100% certain you'll find who you need to ask.

So for the record - I'm not releasing it to anyone, and neither is Slingsh0t. Don't cut us out of the loop next time you get some goodies ;)

i think i read somewhere that they dont like us hero owners because we got more ram or something along those lines :D
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lol. That's like not liking someone because their car has 4 doors and yours only has 2. But it sounds pretty reasonable...this is the intertubes after all :D

Let's all chip in and buy Drizzy a GSM Hero and bring back the peace love and understanding lol.
lol. That's like not liking someone because their car has 4 doors and yours only has 2. But it sounds pretty reasonable...this is the intertubes after all :D

Let's all chip in and buy Drizzy a GSM Hero and bring back the peace love and understanding lol.

lol, get him CDMA.... :D

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