Upgrade to the Atrix "4G", Give Up Your Unlimited Data Pan


Q&A Team
Dec 29, 2010
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I've been glad all week that I ditched ATT last Friday; have been enjoying my Android device and unlimited texting...thought I couldn't get any happier. Well this announcement just made a whole lot happier that I walked when I did and didn't give ATT any more money than necessary.


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Apr 26, 2010
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AT&T Responded to me on facebook saying that current unlimited users can upgrade to a 4g device and keep unlimited... we'll see.
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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2011
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Will the Atrix work on AT&T's LTE network when they roll it out, or will it work on HSPA+ only?

What a scam calling HSPA+ 4G. Shame on you AT&T.

Although, technically, LTE isn't true 4G either...


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2011
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Will the Atrix work on AT&T's LTE network when they roll it out, or will it work on HSPA+ only?

What a scam calling HSPA+ 4G. Shame on you AT&T.

Although, technically, LTE isn't true 4G either...

I believe AT&T's LTE frequencies are also in the 700MHz range as well, so no.

I've also read the ITU is acceptiong HSPA+, LTE, WiMax etc as "4G" now.


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Dec 2, 2010
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I believe AT&T's LTE frequencies are also in the 700MHz range as well, so no.

I've also read the ITU is acceptiong HSPA+, LTE, WiMax etc as "4G" now.

But HSPA+ is on 3G frequencies not 4G (700 Mhz) frequency. This is why it is not "4G" even though it can be legally labeled as such.


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Jan 23, 2011
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Dec 2, 2010
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The reason LTE is going to be in the 700 MHz radio band is because it is no longer being used for television. It is not going there just because its new technology. I'm really not sure how you are coming to that conclusion, maybe i'm missing what you are trying to say?


All I am saying is that HSPA+ is just a backhualed HSPDA and the fact that they share spectrum is not surprising.


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Jan 14, 2011
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Will the Atrix work on AT&T's LTE network when they roll it out, or will it work on HSPA+ only?

What a scam calling HSPA+ 4G. Shame on you AT&T.

Although, technically, LTE isn't true 4G either...
To be fair, Sprint and T-Mobile are also calling theirs 4G and their speeds won't be much faster than AT&T's HSPA+.

Ryan Roland

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Oct 20, 2010
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To be fair, Sprint and T-Mobile are also calling theirs 4G and their speeds won't be much faster than AT&T's HSPA+.

True, 4G is kinda like Bluray. Even though there's attention around it it's kinda obsolete anyway when you consider Digital distribution will be a main form of video.

At least at&t called it 4G at the time of launch (HSPA+) where as Tmo had it for quite sometime and just decided to change its name to 4G just to make it look like they rolled out nationwide 4G overnight. Then to make a bold claim of having the largest "4G" network like it was gonna help them. Shame should be on them for trying to pull the biggest scam on America.

But according to ITU (sp?) no one in the US have true 4G until LTE rolls out then it will be on the same playing field as the rest of the major countries


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Jul 18, 2010
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What you guys forget is it doesn't matter what frequency or network type it runs on, but what APN (Access Point Name) it's set to use. That is why a branded device can't tether without a tethering plan but a Nexus can. When they are branded they program the phone to only go through certain APN's for certain things. Tethering done their way is limited to isp.cingular or broadband APN and something like a Nexus/stock android phone just uses the same WAP settings of the browser. All they have to do is tell the manufacture of any "4G" phone to make sure the browser uses what ever APN they decide to use for 4G instead of WAP and you are locked out unless you give up your unlimited data plan to move to one that has the "right" APN. Hopefully the hacker community will be able to change that otherwise we will be SOL come upgrade time.

Tom S.

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Mar 24, 2010
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Someone needs to tell the reps answering the phones. He had no idea what I was talking about and said I had to have one of the new tiered plans. I couldn't grandfather in my unlimited plan. I have a Blackberry bold 9700 with an associated tether unlimited plan. I'm assuming I should have these data plans grandfathered in, right? This guy's logic was that every device has its own data plan, so you could never port that plan to another device.

Am I completely wrong here? If I am, how would you ever get to the point where you could upgrade to a new device and keep your old unlimited plan? This guy was giving me an example of going from the iPhone 4 to Iphone 5 where you could keep your unlimited plan. So, if I own a Atrix 1, when the Atrix 2 comes out I can grandfather in my plan? That was a joke.