Verizon Launch Delayed..(rumors)


Jul 29, 2011
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Lets hope that Google and Samsung say F you to the big Red, and go to where it should, Sprint and T-Mobile first.

Actually they should just release it on all four U.S. carriers at the same time like Apple does with the iPhone. I hate this exclusivity crap from carriers.

I would say let Verizon wait . And T-Mobile bring it on!!!


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Mar 14, 2011
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I personally think that there is nothing to worry about if Samsung built a device specifically for verizon than why would they kill it? Doesn't make sense.....I think everyone is just a little fearful of what happened in the past with verizon like panda said.....but if people have been using this phone directly on verizon for a little bit now I don't see them pulling this especially with how big android has grown over the years....too much money to be had and they will launch this on verizon....and another a little off topic but the screen on the nexus looks so dope



Jul 29, 2011
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Actually we should just say F you for suggesting something like that.. This will be our first Nexus device, come hell or high water, I'm pretty sure we deserve it.

I want everyone to have this and I want people to finally see what Android is supposed to be, no BS, nothing on top of it and no other excess. This should be the phone for the people.

Only for T-Mobile! Lol I'm selfish


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
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This will be a massive launch for Verizon and if they screw this up then the faith alot of customers have in the company will be lost and another carrier will step up and truly become the dominate player in the US Android market...

Great network be damned, if you cant get the device you want on it...


Based on the responses to this thread, it seems like you are some sort of important person in the Android world, so forgive me if I offend, but are are you serious? I too would like a true nexus device on verizon (my carrier of choice), but if you think that "a lot of customers" are going to loose faith in verizon or switch carriers based on whether or not they get a nexus device, you're nuts. You want one, I want one, developers want one, and another four or five hundred people want one, but that's about it. 99% of the android population couldn't care less about a vanilla experience. I would even go so far as to say that most all of them even prefer having all the crappy verizon bloat.


Nov 11, 2009
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Well I'm afraid I may be the person who started this whole storm. So let me add my .02 here.

I believe that the Galaxy Nexus is going to make its debut on Verizon. Is it having some problems, yes it is. Do I expect them to be ironed out, yes I do.

I only shared information with all of you because that is what I do, but I do not think you all should be acting in this manner. Its just a phone, and its just a carrier. You will have an opportunity to get the device somewhere and somewhere soon.

So please dial it back. This attention to detail is good for you and me. Because the ultimate goal of Verizon is to ensure a quality product running with no problems so that the network and device meet yours and mine expectations. In fact I want them to be thorough so we don't have another Thunderbolt fiasco.

So relax, and enjoy the new OS by watching the replay over and over again, the device launch will be here before you know it.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2011
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first off you have 1200 posts how don't you know panda? Second off I think you are underestimating this device.....that screen alone will sell this device and I bet if it comes to verizon it will be sold out for weeks....


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2010
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Based on the responses to this thread, it seems like you are some sort of important person in the Android world, so forgive me if I offend, but are are you serious? I too would like a true nexus device on verizon (my carrier of choice), but if you think that "a lot of customers" are going to loose faith in verizon or switch carriers based on whether or not they get a nexus device, you're nuts. You want one, I want one, developers want one, and another four or five hundred people want one, but that's about it. 99% of the android population couldn't care less about a vanilla experience. I would even go so far as to say that most all of them even prefer having all the crappy verizon bloat.

I don't know the exact numbers, but I'm willing to bet there are a heck of a lot more people than you seem to think that will be more than upset if this doesn't go through.

I fully intend to take my three lines to another carrier just for this phone. ETFs and lost unlimited data packages and all.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
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Well I'm afraid I may be the person who started this whole storm. So let me add my .02 here.

I believe that the Galaxy Nexus is going to make its debut on Verizon. Is it having some problems, yes it is. Do I expect them to be ironed out, yes I do.

I only shared information with all of you because that is what I do, but I do not think you all should be acting in this manner. Its just a phone, and its just a carrier. You will have an opportunity to get the device somewhere and somewhere soon.

So please dial it back. This attention to detail is good for you and me. Because the ultimate goal of Verizon is to ensure a quality product running with no problems so that the network and device meet yours and mine expectations. In fact I want them to be thorough so we don't have another Thunderbolt fiasco.

So relax, and enjoy the new OS by watching the replay over and over again, the device launch will be here before you know it.

Oh P3, What am I to do with you? smh lol j/k

Its obvious VZW is going to go G Nex. They passed on the G II. I just hope they dont postpone it too long. This needs to happen in November. But I agree. Get it right. Make it a kickA$$ LTE device.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2011
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I don't understand where these rumors even came from?? Lol if you can p3 what exactly did this guy or girl say to make you think such a can summarize if youd like! Please and thank you


Nov 2, 2010
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heh. don't believe vzw's "ultimate goal" is to please its customers.
either way, agree to disagree. cool phone/os. all w can do is just wait n see :cool:


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
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Well I'm afraid I may be the person who started this whole storm. So let me add my .02 here.

I believe that the Galaxy Nexus is going to make its debut on Verizon. Is it having some problems, yes it is. Do I expect them to be ironed out, yes I do.

I only shared information with all of you because that is what I do, but I do not think you all should be acting in this manner. Its just a phone, and its just a carrier. You will have an opportunity to get the device somewhere and somewhere soon.

So please dial it back. This attention to detail is good for you and me. Because the ultimate goal of Verizon is to ensure a quality product running with no problems so that the network and device meet yours and mine expectations. In fact I want them to be thorough so we don't have another Thunderbolt fiasco.

So relax, and enjoy the new OS by watching the replay over and over again, the device launch will be here before you know it.

Amen man! Verizon will get this device trust me! I'm not important in the community or all knowing but come on of course they will get the Nexus this time. There are already Verizon versions, hell the videos they shot for the demo were with a VzW version. VzW isn't going to tell them to go away because of issues. They allowed the TBolt out after the months of delays and speculation. We will get the Nexus so everyone calm down and wait to see when VzW says we will get it! Till then enjoy the current Android phone you're on and be glad it's not iOS! ;)


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Jan 16, 2011
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Hi, I'm new into this thread topic but I do have a question. To help, my last Samsung phone was an Impression back on ATT.
If the Galaxy Nexus is not coming with Gorilla Glass, which after having my DX this long with no damage I am a huge fan(plus I save money on screen protectors), what are they using on the GN that will assure me I can have a great screen and less chance of easily damaging it?


Panda Motherfrinkin King
Nov 8, 2009
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Based on the responses to this thread, it seems like you are some sort of important person in the Android world, so forgive me if I offend, but are are you serious? I too would like a true nexus device on verizon (my carrier of choice), but if you think that "a lot of customers" are going to loose faith in verizon or switch carriers based on whether or not they get a nexus device, you're nuts. You want one, I want one, developers want one, and another four or five hundred people want one, but that's about it. 99% of the android population couldn't care less about a vanilla experience. I would even go so far as to say that most all of them even prefer having all the crappy verizon bloat.

I am not saying that millions will up and leave a carrier over this device but this was actually a rather big announcement covered by major press worldwide as well as US based and Verizon has become known in the tech world for not being as Open as they claim and when it comes to the nexus brand we all know how bad that looked.

heck if every forum member on this site (a million) left vzw over this it would be considered a bad qtr and they would continue to do business as they have been. But the spirit of android and the thing that will help this OS continue to grow to the next level is getting all sides on the same playing field. This will not be a hero device for Verizon but it can be their love letter to those that hit up places like this, so when our less tech savvy friends, wives, husband ask where should they go we can say with confidence that vzw has something for every Droid fan..

like I said I was just sharing my thoughts..


Pretty good member
Feb 13, 2011
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Why all the drama? Its just a phone. Pretty soon everyone here will be complaining about data connectivity issues or some other problem. Some me will say it was rushed to market before it was ready and then people will say that the next phone is the one that this one was supposed to be.

Thanks, Robrecht


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
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Why all the drama? Its just a phone. Pretty soon everyone here will be complaining about data connectivity issues or some other problem. Some me will say it was rushed to market before it was ready and then people will say that the next phone is the one that this one was supposed to be.

Thanks, Robrecht

Yup and then that next phone will have the same issues and the cycle goes on and on. People are never happy.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2011
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Why all the drama? Its just a phone. Pretty soon everyone here will be complaining about data connectivity issues or some other problem. Some me will say it was rushed to market before it was ready and then people will say that the next phone is the one that this one was supposed to be.

Thanks, Robrecht

If you announce a phone it should be pretty much set to I'm not buying into it being rushed....if its not ready than don't announce the damn add to it people have been waiting a long time for big red to get this and that is why people are crazy for this phone

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