Verizon PRL's?


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2010
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I remember on my 4G some people were swapping to VZ PRL's to get better coverage. . . .

I just started a new job last week and this building is a cellular black hole. I have an Air rave, but I dont sit anywhere near a window to get it to even connect.
Some of the execs who have VZ and ATT already have a similar thing in place to get service in here so I was hoping there are some PRL's avil for the 3D to force roam on VZ.

I am roaming on voice constantly and data is probably 1x. Missing calls, barely there internet, but texts are coming through decent on Go SMS ( so I have an expensive text machine lol)

Any help?


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2011
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just make sure you are not downloading the entire INTERNET from the changed prl otherwise sprint will think that you are just roaming all the time and could decide to cancel your service. Has happened in the past... but it should work. And yea.. normal data should be fine just dont be a bandwidth hog. Good luck!


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May 30, 2011
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search for prl 11115. supposed to be for "preferred" coporate customers. works very well for me. send me a pm if you cant find it and i'll figure out how to send it to you.


Jan 18, 2011
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you are on verizon? I take it you are on roam then. Yeah dude you can't just continue to do that for long. At some point sprint will inform you that you roam to much and will ask you to either stop roaming or tell you to go to another carrier. I have few roms i use that have roam only option but i very rarely use it because i get a good signal. I only use it if at my moms house which i'm not on my phone for long over there unless special reason. I can offer some of you the latest corporate tech network vision prl which is newest out 12117. Not many folks have it and works awesome. Worked best for me so maybe will for someone else. If your sprint signal is that bad that you need to roam all time off verizon perhaps you need to switch. If that is out of question sounds like you need to get some sort of airave or even better one of those wilson antennas but aren't cheap. They are soon to sell one that adds lte on all bandwidths and 3g cdma together was at expo. Id dare say it will be cheap either. Prolly couple hundred at least but wow man do they ever work.


Jan 18, 2011
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If what sprint claims to happen does happen depending were you live as to how long network vision will do some amazing things to the signal we all receive. That goes for speed, building penetration and strength of signal as well. By this time next year or worse case add few months to it you will see daylight dark difference. There are couple steps in it but the major one if you ever seen the graph images of will impress you. If you might missed what network vision for sprint is look it up. All about network problems lte upgrade and 3g slow speeds and how they are fixing it and shows images of coverage now and then after. However difference in bad area or low signal and simply living outside coverage area. If you live outside coverage area odds are you are in for long wait if ever.

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