Virtual keyboard and errors


Nov 14, 2009
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Hi Droid owners,

I went to the Verizon store and played with the Droid for a long time,and love everything about it except the virtual keyboard in landscape was VERY sensitive. Lets say I would type "How are you" it would look like Hooow arrre youu? I'm wondering if I can slow it down in settings? I'm 40 yrs old with some arthritis, so as you can imagine I'm not the fastest texter in the world.

Any of you experts have any ideas? Now this was a display model,so maybe all of them aren't like this.


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Nov 8, 2009
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You can do one of two things. Slow down on the landscape soft keyboard (yes it is sensitive,) or alternatively just use the slide out physical keyboard and you can go as slow as you want. Most people feel going slow is all the physical keyboard is good for anyways.

So to answer your question, no there are no settings like this in the current OS.


Nov 14, 2009
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You can do one of two things. Slow down on the landscape soft keyboard (yes it is sensitive,) or alternatively just use the slide out physical keyboard and you can go as slow as you want. Most people feel going slow is all the physical keyboard is good for anyways.

So to answer your question, no there are no settings like this in the current OS.

Thanks for the information,I really appreciate it. It looks like I have a major problem then,because the physical keyboards top row is way too close to the screen for my thumbs to use it. Other than that the physical keyboard is just fine,but my thumbs are so fat the second row needs to be where the first row is for it to work well for me.

I'm going to have to think this over I guess. I wish they would allow you to slow the sensitivity down in settings,because going slow doesn't help the errors,actually it gets even worse.

Durn,I really like this phone,and Android is such an awesome OS.I was really impressed with it!

Again, thanks for the help.It's refreshing to be able to ask a question and not receive a bunch of snide remarks like some forums do.
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Oct 24, 2008
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Just by spending a few moments with a device in the store I promise you will be disappointed with the keyboard... you have to really spend time with it and get used to it. Once you get the hang of it it becomes second nature.


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Nov 6, 2009
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I agree that it will take some time to appreciate the physical keyboard. In some of my earlier posts you'll see that this was a major concern (disappointment) of mine. HOWEVER-- I'm now using both the physical and soft keyboards with great accuracy, and my speed is getting much better. I'm still not quite as fast as I was on my BB 8830, but I also owned that device for two years vs the two weeks I've had the Droid. Good luck with your decision... I don't think you can go wrong with the Droid.


Nov 14, 2009
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Sorry for the late reply back.I've been in the middle of a a lot of stuff mainly my sons football team has keep me busy,any way I plan on giving it another look today,plus with the way that Google usually doesn't sit on their hands long I expect the weill give us some ways of changing the sensitivity of the touch screen ala BB STorm.....except I hope the rest of the phone isn't like the storm.:)


Nov 14, 2009
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Just by spending a few moments with a device in the store I promise you will be disappointed with the keyboard... you have to really spend time with it and get used to it. Once you get the hang of it it becomes second nature.

DUde you did this all wrong..You have to do it like a certain Blackberry forum.....this is what it should have been.
User error! Are you so slslslooooooow in the head you can't type,or hey don't let the door hit ya on the way out.This phone is pefect and you are bringing down my good life.I could say more but the language would be R rated.Thanks for the helpfull awswers,just the amount of patience from people in this forum is worth getting the phone.
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Active member
Dec 3, 2009
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Just by spending a few moments with a device in the store I promise you will be disappointed with the keyboard... you have to really spend time with it and get used to it. Once you get the hang of it it becomes second nature.

I suppose that might be true for some people, but actually the few moments I spent in the store with the keyboard kind of sold me on the phone.

I was waiting for a CSR to become available and I was getting ready to exchange for my third Storm 2. Since some time was available I played around with the Droid. I knew there would be a learning curve but I found the keyboard to be interesting. So I wasn't disappointed at all.:)

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