VZW Folk: Moto X or Droid Ultra??


Apr 19, 2010
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Now that the details are official, what would you buy - a Moto X or Droid Ultra?

I'm not sure what is differentiating these products especially since Moto X won't have customizations for a while on Verizon. I guess the Droid Ultra has a slightly bigger screen. Form factor seems to be nicer on the Moto X. Is there any other difference? Doesn't the Ultra come with Play Music All Access?


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Feb 5, 2013
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I'm going to go with the X. I like the look of it better especially the curved back and the software buttons are nice. I've had a bionic and don't want the capacitive keys again. Plus, I'd be avoiding those god awful droid notification sounds being default :)


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Dec 24, 2009
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Need to know the off-contract price, but I'm guessing it will be the same as the Ultra. I'm very focused on battery life with this phone purchase and you have to think the Ultra with the bigger screen and smaller battery (I think I'm right on that) is going to have the worst battery between the two. Battery life reviews as reviewers are able to use them over the coming days will be big for me.

Honestly, if price is the same (or $100 more for the Maxx), I just want to hold the Maxx in my hand and if it doesn't feel too big that's the clear winner for me.

Oh, and I need to know what LG does with the G2 next week. Hope Verizon gets it.


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Sep 22, 2011
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I'm probably also going to go with the maxx. I was really hoping this phone was going to have a decent off contract price to keep my unlimited data plan. Oh well...

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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2012
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I'm selling my GS4 and going with X. I'm a nexus fan and this is as close as it gets. Also love the wood finish


Grand Master Moosc
Oct 20, 2009
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Im getting the HTC One in blue in 2 weeks. Just want that boom sound

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Sep 4, 2011
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I think I will go with the Moto X over the Ultra but I am fairly tempted by the Maxx. A few things I really like about the X are the screen size, the curved case and the fact that it has slightly less bloatware than the Droid Ultra/Maxx have. I still think that a 5in screen is just too big to comfortably fit in my pocket......4.7in is just about perfect for me. Another thing is as someone else mentioned, the X has a smaller screen and slightly bigger battery than the Ultra so it'll have a bit better battery life. Before I make my final decision though I'd like to see a review where someone uses the X all day and reports on the battery life.....if it looks like there's even a chance the battery won't last a full day I will then go for the Maxx but if the X has solid battery life (which I expect it will) then I will pick one up ASAP.


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Dec 1, 2011
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Same as before today.
Wait for reviews of the X from normal users.
Compare price, pros, and cons with the next Nexus when it comes out.
Yes, and I'm a VZW user which has pros and cons for both.


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Mar 18, 2013
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If I was choosing between the X and the Ultra I think I would definitely go with the X. I really liked my Bionic and OG Droid, but I'm not overly fond of the new styling for these. Would have much preferred a solid matte black, plus the X looks more comfortable to handle. Having said that, I think I'm going with the Maxx. I'd rather pay the slight increase in price for the extra storage space. The bigger battery is also a plus.


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Jul 11, 2012
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Between the X, the ultra, and the Maxx I would choose the maxx

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This is about how I feel as well. I would however, snag the X over the Ultra or the Mini. To be honest, I'd probably go with the X if it could equal even the battery life of my original Maxx. Frankly, I don't understand all the negative comments on the Moto X. For anyone more concerned with real world total performance over a printed spec list it's going to be a fantastic phone in most every respect that matters. IMHO, will be a great phone wrapped in the most attractive package on the market, bar none.

Sent from my Droid RAZR MAXX using Tapatalk2


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Mar 15, 2010
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There is really no reason to go with the Ultra over the X.

If anything, it should be the Maxx vs the X. The Maxx has guaranteed all day battery life for even super power users, the X is advertised as 24 hour battery life with mixed usage.

The Maxx has 32gb of internal storage while the X on Verizon has 16gb.

I'm sorta leaning towards the Maxx. I'd much rather buy the X but 16gb is too small.

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Aug 29, 2010
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If the Ultra is similar in size to the RAZR, then I'd go with the X because the X looks like it will be much more comfortable to hold.

I also hate the capacitive buttons on the Droid phones.


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Dec 24, 2009
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Same as before today.
Wait for reviews of the X from normal users.
Compare price, pros, and cons with the next Nexus when it comes out.
Yes, and I'm a VZW user which has pros and cons for both.

Honest question: one of the cons being the fact Verizon might not get the nexus entirely? I'd probably wait for the next nexus too, but only if I know Verizon would be getting one.


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Jan 29, 2011
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I think the X is going to have more marketing, more accessories, more value, longevity, etc. Like a Toyota in the mobile world. The Ultras loon like great phones.... But they aren't Toyotas. And design wise, the X hit it out the park with the size and feel.

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Nov 11, 2011
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Honest question: one of the cons being the fact Verizon might not get the nexus entirely? I'd probably wait for the next nexus too, but only if I know Verizon would be getting one.

Until devices are LTE only, don't ever expect to see another Nexus on Verizon.


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Dec 1, 2011
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Honest question: one of the cons being the fact Verizon might not get the nexus entirely? I'd probably wait for the next nexus too, but only if I know Verizon would be getting one.

I might have to leave Verizon to get my next phone. That would have a pro of way lower priced service, freedom to switch carriers at will, and the support of one more person against this carrier BS. The cons of leaving Verizon is leaving their network and my grandfathered unlimited data. If I stay with VZW, the second they discontinue the grandfathered plans, I'm gone for sure without a compelling exclusive phone. I don't see that phone ever existing again. They'll never get another Nexus, either.

I guess I should add that the Gnex will likely be the last phone that's able to tether free on VZW. Without that, the unlimited data means a heck of a lot less to me. My data usage on my phone's screen is ridiculously low.


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Jan 29, 2011
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I might have to leave Verizon to get my next phone. That would have a pro of way lower priced service, freedom to switch carriers at will, and the support of one more person against this carrier BS. The cons of leaving Verizon is leaving their network and my grandfathered unlimited data. If I stay with VZW, the second they discontinue the grandfathered plans, I'm gone for sure without a compelling exclusive phone. I don't see that phone ever existing again. They'll never get another Nexus, either.

I'm in the exact same boat. Problem is, if i go to at&t, i lose unlimited data and i pay more for that privilege :eek:

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2011
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Until devices are LTE only, don't ever expect to see another Nexus on Verizon.

I thought I read the s800 has cdma on board with lte. If it's going to be based on the g2 couldn't we expect the s800? Maybe I read wrong. Who knows.

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