What are your views in google and privacy?


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Jul 4, 2014
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I turn off everything I can, block adds opt out of everything that is possible, don't use Twitter or Facebook, instagram, yahoo, AOL, or anything like that.

What is puzzling to me is why folks don't bother going into Google settings and do the same if they are so concerned about this.

I don't have crap adds pushed to my phone don't have my GPS on until needed don't store my credit information on my phones don't use nfc apple pay Google pay or any other type of credit card /debit card on the phone or sync my main email accounts with my phone nor will I use free WiFi hot-spots

The issues is when people use their phones blindly thinking that they are safe regardless of what platform they are on.

Using Google services requires that you do what you can to limit what you give them. If it takes a court order to access your data by the government, then this is no different in any aspect of your life with anything else.

People get mislead into believing that you have to give Google everything to use their services but they are wrong, you don't and there are easy steps to ensure you don't.

Posted via Android Central App on my HTC M8


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Nov 5, 2014
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I am worried about my privacy, and I wish I could avoid Google, FB, clouds etc, but... I can't. I need to use them everyday for my work. Nevertheless my phone is encrypted and PIN-locked, PC protected with passwords, and I don't use my real name online.


Aug 13, 2014
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I try and avoid any form of information sharing. I just do not understand what the purpose is of Google, FB etc knowing my surfing habits. Granted they use it for marketing purpose to make THEM more money but if I am interested in a product, I will find it. I certainly do not need them guiding me.


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Apr 17, 2012
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The issues is when people use their phones blindly thinking that they are safe regardless of what platform they are on.

Using Google services requires that you do what you can to limit what you give them. If it takes a court order to access your data by the government, then this is no different in any aspect of your life with anything else.

Posted via Android Central App on my HTC M8

The thing that gets me is that most people that are privacy concerned don't seem to realize you never have 100% privacy no matter what if you decide to use these devices. For example ... You may not show Google where you go and what you do ... But your carrier sure knows where you're going every day. Maybe not to the exact point of GPS but they could very well map out your daily routes and everything -- simply by looking at the cell tower locations. They could get an idea. That is one way cops have caught people who committed murder -- they say they were somewhere and they go to the cell company and find out they were on a cell tower that was 2 miles from the murder location.

Just saying there is no 100% -- But for those who don't want to share their information? Opt out as you said from as many tracking things as they can and call it a day ... After all that is why those options are there. As I said I am one of the "don't care" crowd because .. I really don't care if Google sees where I eat, work, play, relax, etc. -- Anyone who knows me would know this information anyway... and it wouldn't be hard to find out for those who didn't know me :).


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2014
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The thing that gets me is that most people that are privacy concerned don't seem to realize you never have 100% privacy no matter what if you decide to use these devices. For example ... You may not show Google where you go and what you do ... But your carrier sure knows where you're going every day. Maybe not to the exact point of GPS but they could very well map out your daily routes and everything -- simply by looking at the cell tower locations. They could get an idea. That is one way cops have caught people who committed murder -- they say they were somewhere and they go to the cell company and find out they were on a cell tower that was 2 miles from the murder location.

Just saying there is no 100% -- But for those who don't want to share their information? Opt out as you said from as many tracking things as they can and call it a day ... After all that is why those options are there. As I said I am one of the "don't care" crowd because .. I really don't care if Google sees where I eat, work, play, relax, etc. -- Anyone who knows me would know this information anyway... and it wouldn't be hard to find out for those who didn't know me :).
Yup.... The cell phone companies have been tracking people since day one of roaming charges, so it's nothing new, but some people get their drawers in a bunch all of a sudden like because they just realized this.

Everyone that uses Google services has the option to turn on or off location tracking in the settings and on most if off will ask you to turn on the setting if needed to share with them.

While I am not surprised at some people getting upset about this, in reality Google is trying to make your life easier and faster by pushing nearby business related information to you, and yes they still make money by doing so. Some of the folks from the other platforms get worried about this and start the fear mongering at the drop of a hat. They want all the information and technology but worry that Google is stealing their data and selling it. They don't realize that Apple and Microsoft has been doing this to behind the scenes all along with Siri and Cortana. The difference is that Google was there first and has allowed it's users to opt out of what they want to when they want to. They have been hammered of late and have been pretty much upfront with what they are doing and still making it better.

Personally if I was that scared of all of this, I would never use a smart phone in the first place of anyone.

I used to be scared of them too, but decided to research this and see if it was something to worry about all the time, it's not provided I understand what I am doing and don't have my head up my backside when using it. To me that is the key to this, but most people don't care, or think before they do, and some of the fans of the other platforms use scare tactics to keep others from leaving.

Android isn't perfect for everyone, but it is getting better all the time, and for me it's a damn site better than the other alternatives. Google has their work set out ahead of them making it safer to use and has done a good job with it so far, and can understand why this all can be a little overwhelming to someone new to the platform. The world is a big place and can be scary if you have never been out of a walled garden all your life as some people are.
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Active member
Nov 1, 2014
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The thing that gets me is that most people that are privacy concerned don't seem to realize you never have 100% privacy no matter what if you decide to use these devices. For example ... You may not show Google where you go and what you do ... But your carrier sure knows where you're going every day....

Just saying there is no 100%

I don't think I could reasonably expect "100%" privacy in this day and age, unless I hide in a stone bunker with no access and my "tin foil" suit on... :D :D :D Nonetheless, I will still fight for as much privacy as I can maintain and over which I retain control. Yes, the phone co. would know more about where I am located at a given point and time. And in many cases, that might be OK for them to know and it might help me. But they wouldn't know my web history because I don't use the phone's browser. I use my laptop or desktop. That provider might know that history, but not where I'm necessarily located, except by WAN IP.

The other point is this. Google is well known for collecting, mining and sharing the data off it's systems for target marketing and other purposes. It's been well publicized what Google does with it. So, naturally, people are going to target Google for their positions on privacy. The other phone carriers, etc. don't disclose what they do with their data, as much.. Only recently are we getting more reports on Verizon and what they collect and share. Maybe it's even worse than Google, maybe not. It's something we should all know before we use those carriers, assuming we have a choice (in some locations, you don't).

Anyway, I don't expect or even want 100% privacy. That might truly raise the suspicion of the "govt." :D Better to "blend in" with the crowd than to "stand out" in it. But I will fight for certain elements of privacy, especially those intent on trying to "market" to me based on my web browsing history.

That's just plain creepy.... :eek: :)

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