What classifies as an ad?


AC Question

To determine if we need to make a declaration on our Apps re Ads - does an Ad include or own promotions of items/stock and if we promote the use of our online shops

Laura Knotek

Moderator Captain
Jan 8, 2011
Visit site
Self Promotion or Advertising*- Mobile Nations maintains a no advertising policy in the forums. Any member found to be advertising, promoting or leaching traffic (including via paid link forwarders) for profit or personal gain will receive a warning PM, and have offending post(s) reviewed by the local moderation team. The local moderation team and Community Manager will work with the member to either a) resolve the issue, or b) issue an appropriate ban. Private Messages or Emails to members soliciting your service will also not be tolerated and accounts found to be doing so will be subject to a ban.
