What texting app do you use?

Josh Griffith

Feb 24, 2015
Ive been using textra a little bit but theirs been a little bit of lag with floating notifications and such. What app do you suggest?

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I use gosms. I used texted for a little, but still ended up back with gosms.

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I bounce between evolve, textra and hangouts... evolve is my go to

Legibly written by the almighty S Pen on my badass Note 4
I was using textra for the long st time... and just jumped to chomp figure might as well try something different and see how it goes
I've been using hangouts. Not a fan of the stock messaging app.

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I've used Chomp, Textra, QKSMS, YATAA, and Messenger (that google native one) and Evolve...

Only Evolve is left on my phone, it's my go to texting app now :)
i tried so many different ones in the end i prefer the google messenger cleaner, flat and simple.
I use message plus it does it all including video calls

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Handcent. Been using it for many years. It has it's issues just like all the rest of them. I'm satisfied.

Devil Dog
I use Hangouts for everything, but has anyone tried the Verizon Messages app? It is actually a great app, I don't use it on my phone, but I do use it on my PC and tablets. It works much better than pushbullet or any of the bluetooth/wifi apps that sync your texts with another device.
I use gosms. I used texted for a little, but still ended up back with gosms.

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Isn't GO SMS filled with all kind of bloatware? Used it on my previous Android device, and it felt like a resource hog!
I use CHOMP...but lately I have been feeling it's getting too much as it crashes sometimes, and it uses a lot of battery. Does any 1 with CHOMP have lock screen pop ups enabled?

I tried Textra which is simple and clean, but I missed some of the features of chomp so came back to CHOMP!

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