what would make you happiest?

what would make you the happiest?

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Jun 6, 2010
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What would make you the happiest? A brand new shiny SGS3, a vzw branded HTC One X, just having ICS on your rezound, or are you just fine with the rezound the way it is. Or is it something else?


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2011
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All the phone fighting to stop. I want Apple to stop, I don't want HTC paying microsoft for every phone it sells, and lastly, I want the in fighting in the android community to stop. The fanboyism is out of control for every phone that comes out. Now the rezound has major devs bickering for some reason I can't quite figure out. It's really bumming me out. I feel if all the crap stops, my rezound would be better, and a phone revolution could happen withing a year of the law suits stopping, making my next phone fantastically awesome.


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2010
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All the phone fighting to stop. I want Apple to stop, I don't want HTC paying microsoft for every phone it sells, and lastly, I want the in fighting in the android community to stop. The fanboyism is out of control for every phone that comes out. Now the rezound has major devs bickering for some reason I can't quite figure out. It's really bumming me out. I feel if all the crap stops, my rezound would be better, and a phone revolution could happen withing a year of the law suits stopping, making my next phone fantastically awesome.

Well put. I just don't see all the fighting ending anytime soon.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2011
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Well put. I just don't see all the fighting ending anytime soon.

Ain't happening til, at least, Dec. 12/22/12. If the Mayans weren't stoned on that jungle ganja when the made their calendar. Even at that, I'm sure they'll still be bickering endlessly about it up in the heavens, inside the pearly gates and beyond the gates of hell.


One Man Wolfpack
Nov 17, 2011
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Ain't happening til, at least, Dec. 12/22/12. If the Mayans weren't stoned on that jungle ganja when the made their calendar. Even at that, I'm sure they'll still be bickering endlessly about it up in the heavens, inside the pearly gates and beyond the gates of hell.

Did you see that article about people finding the rest of the Mayan calander and that it was all a misunderstanding? It got like a 30 second segment on CNN, that was it.
"Oh, here's a strong hint to the date we'll all die. Let's talk about it for 50 years. Oh? They found the other part? Oh well, let by gones be by gones"

On topic though, I'd like to see Google buy T-Mobile or Sprint, then commence the ass kicking of carriers. I would buy into their service in a heartbeat.
From the list of options though, ICS on the Rezound would do just fine.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2011
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Did you see that article about people finding the rest of the Mayan calander and that it was all a misunderstanding? It got like a 30 second segment on CNN, that was it.
"Oh, here's a strong hint to the date we'll all die. Let's talk about it for 50 years. Oh? They found the other part? Oh well, let by gones be by gones"

On topic though, I'd like to see Google buy T-Mobile or Sprint, then commence the ass kicking of carriers. I would buy into their service in a heartbeat.
From the list of options though, ICS on the Rezound would do just fine.

Have not heard that, but if you factor in leap year the end of the calender happened months ago.

What would make me happy would be for a fix to the patent system, apple to get off everyone's back, source code released on all devises, HTC to pull something awesome and unexpected out of the ics ota, Verizon to stop acting like verizon, and the one x to come over so Verizon could have HTC's best again

Sent from my ADR6425LVW


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2011
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Did you see that article about people finding the rest of the Mayan calander and that it was all a misunderstanding? It got like a 30 second segment on CNN, that was it.
"Oh, here's a strong hint to the date we'll all die. Let's talk about it for 50 years. Oh? They found the other part? Oh well, let by gones be by gones"

On topic though, I'd like to see Google buy T-Mobile or Sprint, then commence the ass kicking of carriers. I would buy into their service in a heartbeat.
From the list of options though, ICS on the Rezound would do just fine.

So your telling me it turns out that their calendar was just a neighborhood flyer for a block party or something? No I had heard hide nor hair about that news item but for the record that was just a poorly referenced joke. I'd believe Miss Cleos doomsday prophecies before any Mayans.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2011
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Have not heard that, but if you factor in leap year the end of the calender happened months ago.

What would make me happy would be for a fix to the patent system, apple to get off everyone's back, source code released on all devises, HTC to pull something awesome and unexpected out of the ics ota, Verizon to stop acting like verizon, and the one x to come over so Verizon could have HTC's best again

Sent from my ADR6425LVW

AT&T has terms, for a 180 day exclusive in place on the One X. I'd assume there's at least a 90 day lock on the design of the Evo4GLTE as well. Which is likely why the next major HTC release has been rumored for a late Q3 release for 2 months. I'm sure they are nice devices but I don't consider the DincHD or One S/V as competitive devices.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2010
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Id really like the One X. The specs and design of that phone are just right. Ill settle for an S3. Its looking like thats what Ill do.


Mr Fix-It
Mar 1, 2010
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What would make me happiest??? Hmm, let's go with this one...If all the dumb pipes and hardware manufacturers to get their heads out of their collective bums and realize they provide bandwidth, hardware, etc, and stop trying to rule everyone else's roost while maintaining their enormous piles of gold. For example. HTC makes great phones, stop there and let Google handle the OS. Verizon provides great cell service, stop there and let HTC/Sammy/etc handle their own devices. I think you get where I'm going with this.


Well-known member
May 9, 2011
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Bullies don't hire lawyers, apple is skeered that the market trend will continue.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2

Yes bullies CAN use lawyers.

Define bullies: intimidation of weaker person: the process of intimidating or mistreating somebody weaker or in a more vulnerable situation


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2011
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I am pretty happy with the phone.
ICS would be great
But the one thing that I want is the new camera applications that is on the new HTC phones just like how it works.


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2011
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Id really like the One X. The specs and design of that phone are just right. Ill settle for an S3. Its looking like thats what Ill do.

It's a good phone but marginal over the rezound. The version of the one x that Verizon gets should be great.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Android Central Forums


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
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I would like a verizon branded one x. not too much change from the inital look like at&t did and not over saturating the phone with bloatware like sprint did with the evo 4g lte. But until then just having ics on my rezound.


Nov 29, 2010
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What does the One X really have that the ReZound doesn't?

S4? Wrong, running it
4.7 vs 4.3? ok I cannot get the rezound to stretch
720 x 1280? got it
RAM and memory? Got it
Camera? Ok yours is bigger
Battery? never big enough?
Software? Hey I am mostly running One X right now!
Removable battery? not on the OX
SD Card? see above

There is nothing the one X has that makes a ton of people run out an go " I need it" over the ReZound

Still thinking about my answer to the OP

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