What's the first thing you'll show off to the iSheep?


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Nov 11, 2011
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Also, people, the reason you didn't get a high end phone when you were 15 is because we didn't have Galaxy Nexus devices back then, silly. A flip phone was pretty much the hot thing even 6 years ago, let alone before that.

When I was 15, I was cool because our house had touch-tone phones.

As time goes on, the people in this country have a higher standard of living. Another reason why "kids these days" get more than kids in the past.

Add that "higher standard of living" thing to the concepts of "immediate gratification" and "born-in sense of entitlement" and you've got a more full vision of the equation. *#$%@(#&$ kids..... LOL

If you wouldn't have said you are 15, I would have never known. You write better than 90% of the "adults" in these forums.



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Dec 21, 2009
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When I was 15 I had a cheap flip phone.. The only way I could even get a phone was by having a year worth of the cell bill saved up. Kids are lucky these days, most don't pay for anything.

Man! No one had cell phones when I was 15, I don't even think pagers were big when i was that age! (87-88)


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May 1, 2010
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Nothing. Flaunting their tech is why people make fun of "iSheep." I'd rather not be snobby about what I carry. If people are interested, I show them. Otherwise, it is just mine to enjoy.



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Nov 6, 2009
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Update: I see that some of you are commenting about me getting a high-end android phone at an early age and not paying for it. I actually am paying for it with the money I earn from my online bike store and bike manufacturing business. Endo BMX | Van Nuys, CA 91406 / I put 10 percent of that money in to various charities and the rest goes in to the stock market; some going to the galaxy nexus. I am sorry that I made a controversial forum and please do not think that I am a snobby teenager. I try not to be. Thank you so much.

In my post, I was merely commenting on how much technology has changed since I was your age. I still remember having dial-up internet that you paid for by the minute and got disconnected every time a phone call came in. If you're 15 years old and running your own company, you're doing a heck of a lot better than I was back then. Keep your head up high and do your own thing because apparently it's working pretty well for you.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2011
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When I was 15 I had a cheap flip phone.. The only way I could even get a phone was by having a year worth of the cell bill saved up. Kids are lucky these days, most don't pay for anything.

When I was 15 they had bag phones that cost like1-3000 bucks, no kid had any phone period. So HAVING a cheap flip phone was better then nothing

Newport Viper

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Oct 21, 2011
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When I was 15 I had a cheap flip phone.. The only way I could even get a phone was by having a year worth of the cell bill saved up. Kids are lucky these days, most don't pay for anything.

When I was 15 I had to drop a dime (10 cents) in a pay phone let it ring twice at home then my Mom would come pick me up from practice after school. I had to give her the dime back too!


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May 5, 2010
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What's to show? They all drink the Apple koolaid and it's unlikely that anything Nexus will change their thinking. The blinded cultish following is what has always turned me off of anything made by Apple. The two biggest things that the Nexus has over iphone is the screen size and Google Navigation (the single biggest reason to own an Android over an iphone to me). I can't wait to get my Nexus, but there are probably 10 or more Verizon devices that can already show this.
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Apr 19, 2011
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It's called constructive criticism. :cool:

If you don't offer any constructive advice, it's just criticism.

Anyway, back on track, I respect all viewpoints and tech preferences (I actually have an OG iPad, because I like to game on it) but when it comes to phones, Android is just a whole nother beast in my opinion. Show your friends widgets, face unlock, the on screen capitative buttons. Root it, customize it, show them what it's like to truly have control of your phone, and most importantly, don't get too wrapped up in showing it off, that you forget to enjoy it :)


Sep 8, 2011
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Call collect- "Would you like to accept a call from heymomitsmecomepickmeupthanks?"

That would have been a good idea but I did not know how collect calling worked then. For a while I was able to just call the operator and say I lost 20 cents in the phone and she'd connect me, but after a while that did not work anymore, so I did the 2 ring thing.


Sep 8, 2011
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Only problem with that is when some of us were kids you actually talked to a real person when making a collect call.

Ya that's right I forgot about that. That is probably why me or none of my friends ever did that back then.


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Jan 15, 2011
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It's called constructive criticism. :cool:

No. It was pretty clearly insulting criticism.

Constructive criticism offers an opposing opinion and the reasons how/why that opposing opinion was derived. And true constructive criticism rarely sounds like it was meant to be insulting by third party witnesses.

You tripped up. People do it all the time. No big deal. Standard operating proceedure from here is: admit it (at least to yourself), apologize (only to the recipient of your rude trip up... no one else), and move on.

dannye123, nice going. All the more impressive for a 15 year old. That entrepreneurial spirit and motivation will take you far in life. Value it. Feed it. Great work!


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2011
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iSheep are mindless zombies, it's not worth my time to show them their technology is 2 years old, limiting, spoon fed to them, and uncustomizable.


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Dec 5, 2011
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lol, you're all very lucky to get your very first phone at 15 or 16 or 20 or even 25.....I got my very first phone when I was 39 lol. Yeah, I'm probably the oldest poster on this forum. And to answer the question. There are a lot of "mature" responses that offer "mature" advice to not be the bragger. I agree. Just consider that you are the next generation of users who may look at android as the "new" thing. And that being a cool thing at that. That portion of users will grow rapidly then (to android). 20 somethings will always usually see the iphone as the cool thing. At 55 I've seen a lot of trends rise and then also fall. Nothing is constant. especially defining what's "cool"


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2010
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lol, you're all very lucky to get your very first phone at 15 or 16 or 20 or even 25.....I got my very first phone when I was 39 lol. Yeah, I'm probably the oldest poster on this forum. And to answer the question. There are a lot of "mature" responses that offer "mature" advice to not be the bragger. I agree. Just consider that you are the next generation of users who may look at android as the "new" thing. And that being a cool thing at that. That portion of users will grow rapidly then (to android). 20 somethings will always usually see the iphone as the cool thing. At 55 I've seen a lot of trends rise and then also fall. Nothing is constant. especially defining what's "cool"

I didnt get one till i was in high school and that was a flip phone. My first android was the og droid and moved on from there

Sent from my Thunderbolt using tapatalk


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2011
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Not to start a flame war. but you do realize that our obsession and ridiculous complaints including email and signing petition forms makes us just as sheep like than the "iSheep".

And if you haven't noticed, then all you need to do is press back on your web browser.

But to continue with your question: Just show the bigger screen, thats all my friends always rave about on my GS2 compared to their iPhones.


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2010
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Not to start a flame war. but you do realize that our obsession and ridiculous complaints including email and signing petition forms makes us just as sheep like than the "iSheep".

And if you haven't noticed, then all you need to do is press back on your web browser.

But to continue with your question: Just show the bigger screen, thats all my friends always rave about on my GS2 compared to their iPhones.

Ehh I wouldn't consider everyone here android sheep. I do follow alot of other technology even though I love android, apple has made some great products and the iPhone is a great product.... that being said I don't like how apple treats their customers and other companies. I also don't like how they self proclaimed their products to be the best therefore everyone thinks that they are the best aka apple sheep.

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