All WhatsApp calls, even from unknown numbers, go thru when phone's "Do not disturb" mode is on. There is no exception for WhatsApp in this mode settings.
Moreover, if I disable WhatsApp notifications altogether, I can still hear the ringtone and vibro, though I can not see caller's name or number then!
I reset WhatsApp notifications settings to default, but that did not change anything.
I reinstalled WhatsApp, but kept the database (almost 5 Gb in size), so it might not have been sufficient.
Please let me know if I can try something else.
Everything worked fine several months ago on this phone.
Thank you!
Moreover, if I disable WhatsApp notifications altogether, I can still hear the ringtone and vibro, though I can not see caller's name or number then!
I reset WhatsApp notifications settings to default, but that did not change anything.
I reinstalled WhatsApp, but kept the database (almost 5 Gb in size), so it might not have been sufficient.
Please let me know if I can try something else.
Everything worked fine several months ago on this phone.
Thank you!