When does Samsung restock storage variants?


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2018
I was going to pull the trigger on a 256GB Titanium Violet S24 Ultra through the Shop Samsung app, but there's no "Get it by date" for the option. The 512GB option is available, however. 512GB's is way more storage than I need. How long does it take Samsung to restock?

On the other hand, if I were to go with the 512GB option, am I correct in assuming that the 12GB of RAM is optimized to handle the extra storage? Does it just depend on the apps you install to the system that determines how the RAM is managed?
Yes, I know. My question was if the RAM management in the higher storage variants is somehow better because of more storage, or if it also depends on the apps a user installs, as well.
So if you have 12gb ram between 512 or 256gb storage phone that's just for personal use for room as the ram will only handle what apps are at task no matter storage of the device.
What is the difference in cost now between the 265GB and 512GB models? If the cost isn't that much higher then go for the 512GB model. Besides, larger capacity solid state storage devices have overall better performance than lower capacity. Meaning the 512GB model will be a little faster than the 256GB model. It is one of the quirks of non-volatile solid state storage.

Edit: The price difference between a 512GB and 256GB is about $120. Sometimes it is more economical to go with the larger capacity, even though you may not NEED it. Besides, 8K videos will eat up a lot of space rather quickly.
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