Where is Smart Network Switch after upgrade to Oreo on Samsung S7 edge?


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Jun 28, 2018
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I have a Samsung S7 edge. I upgraded to Oreo a couple weeks ago and experienced huge problems (as many others have) including horrible battery drain. I cleared the system cache and that helped somewhat. Biggest problem of late is that it seems that Smart Network Switch (SNS) is no longer in any menu. I don't get a "more" option to click when I'm in WiFi settings (which is where it was located before). I just have the option to click WiFi Direct or 3 vertical buttons. After clicking those buttons I can click on advanced settings - but SNS is not there either. I have 3 Alexa devices that I have to reset and none will work unless I turn off SNS, but I can't! Anyone know where it went?


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Aug 25, 2018
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Go to WiFi and then click on Advanced. Uncheck "Switch to Mobile Data" as well as uncheck "Turn on WiFi Automatically" to be on the safe side. That worked for me as I have several Alexa devices myself.