Whine back in headphone output on 246? [SOLVED]


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Sep 12, 2011
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Re: Whine back in headphone output on 246?

Yeah, it's back for me too. Really quite annoying since I hook my phone up to my car via an auxiliary cable to listen to music all the time.


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Re: Whine back in headphone output on 246?

I remember the whine, and it's back. The patch that fixed it last year was one of the major reasons I stuck with the phone. Looks like we're going to have to deal with this all over again, but who knows if Motorola will come through this time.


Feb 23, 2011
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Re: Whine back in headphone output on 246?

I never heard it through my car stereo, which at the time was the only time I used my headphone jack and saw mention of attenuators/stereos canceling the whine, so thought that's why I didn't hear it. Today I plugged a pair of Sony MDR-V600's to test out and everything was crystal clear. No hint of a whine.

So instead of this thread only being for people that have the whine back griping about it, why not those of us without the whine chime in and try to figure out a way to fix it?

I got my Bionic new during three Mother's Day sale this year, and I went from GB .905 to ICS .232 leak, then the HoB scripts to .246 instead of the OTA path. It may be that the newer Bionics have a hardware revision that eliminated the issue, but someone said they did a full FXZ to .246 and got rid of it.

For those without the whine, are your Bionics relatively new? Did you use non-standard updates/leaks? Lets try to find a commonality to point us in a way to fix it, if possible.


Jun 22, 2011
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Re: Whine back in headphone output on 246?

I got the bionic when it was first released. I don't know if I originally had the whine with it since I didn't use my ear buffs then. I've only had OTA updates. Since the OTA, I have done a factory reset; fixed a lot of issues and new features became available. I haven't tried updating from the file. I'm waiting to hear back from the people who said they were going to try.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2


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Jul 13, 2011
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Re: Whine back in headphone output on 246?

Today I plugged a pair of Sony MDR-V600's to test out and everything was crystal clear. No hint of a whine.


For those without the whine, are your Bionics relatively new? Did you use non-standard updates/leaks? Lets try to find a commonality to point us in a way to fix it, if possible.
I am pleased with the way the phone behaves after a full data reset, however, the whine is still present on my device. Mooncatt, would you mind running through a test with your phone using earbuds? The V600s you are using might be enough internal resistance to knock it below audible levels for you. Try playing some music, then drop the volume to 0 and see if you can catch anything. There should also be a slight delay between when a track is paused or stopped and when the audio out shuts off where the whine is present as well. I use a pair of Klipsch S4s and it is easy to pick out.

As to your question, I am coming from a launch day Bionic, I ran Eclipse on GB until .246 was official and available via OTA. I ended up installing via HoB after the OTA failed a few attempts and have since completed a full factory reset.


Oct 24, 2011
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Re: Whine back in headphone output on 246?

I notice it very slightly with Phonak PFE earphones. I think they are 32 ohms. I probably would not have noticed it had it not been pointed out. I use Power Amp for music and by manipulating the preamp volume control and balancing it with the phone's volume buttons, it is possible to eliminate it, likely due to modifying the output impedance of the jack. If you don't find this successful I would recommend an inline volume control between your phone and the your earphones. Shure makes a good one, but even Radio Shack's one is perfectly acceptable. It will increase the load impedance the headphone jack sees and eliminate the high pitched noise. To be honest it is so slight for me that I don't know if I had it all along or not. I do have a little high frequency hearing loss though.


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Sep 9, 2010
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Re: Whine back in headphone output on 246?

I notice it very slightly with Phonak PFE earphones. I think they are 32 ohms. I probably would not have noticed it had it not been pointed out. I use Power Amp for music and by manipulating the preamp volume control and balancing it with the phone's volume buttons, it is possible to eliminate it, likely due to modifying the output impedance of the jack. If you don't find this successful I would recommend an inline volume control between your phone and the your earphones. Shure makes a good one, but even Radio Shack's one is perfectly acceptable. It will increase the load impedance the headphone jack sees and eliminate the high pitched noise. To be honest it is so slight for me that I don't know if I had it all along or not. I do have a little high frequency hearing loss though.

I used my QC15's with my Bionic, along with Pandora for about an hour today. I was so pissed that even though I had set the input to the QC15's to "low", I could clearly hear that infernal whine on quieter sections of music. If it weren't for the whine, I wouldn't be so pissed at Motorola for screwing up my phone with the ICS update. I went to verizon a couple of days ago, but don't like how the whites of many of the other phones are a dingy, greenish gray, such as the S3 and other uber popular phones at the moment. The only one that had clean whites was that monster from LG and I wouldn't own that if it were free.
Does anyone know if Moto is aware of the whine? I don't go to their website any more because every time I do, I get stymied by it complaining that my email addy is already "in use". I've tried several of my email addys and have no idea how to view or post on the moto forums. I used to be a member long ago and can't find a way for the site not to complain that my addy is in use. I'm not about to create some bogus email addy just to whine to Moto directly, about the whine. What I'll do instead, is buy a different phone.


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Sep 9, 2010
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Re: Whine back in headphone output on 246?

Problem solved.

I bought a Samsung Note 2. Awesome. Adios Bionic!!


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2011
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I got my Bionic on launch day and it's had the whine through each update over headphones (Klipsch Image S4 and Bose QC2). It only happens to me at low volumes and I don't hear it when I connect to my car through an audio cable or to my Klipsch speakers. I don't think it's any worse now than it was on GB but it never went away for me when the first maintenance update pushed.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Android Central Forums


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2010
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dang, that's a bummer. I'd have dumped my bionic long ago if the whine hadn't been resolved for a good portion of this past year. good luck with your next phone--it's bound to be better!! :) (the note 2 is a dream, IMO, FTW. it isn't overly large, which was my big concern going in). I also like the "badges" on the apps icons, ala iOS. I had no idea that i was missing out on those only because I didn't have a Samsung product. I thought that no Androids would have icon badges.

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