Who is still happy with the Xoom


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Jan 23, 2011
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I like mine & i bought mine on launch day too.I had a ipod touch 4th gen & got sick of it & the ipad is just a big ol' ipod touch lol..Love the Xoom!!!.But when October comes & Asus brings out their new tablet with Tegra 3 (Kal-el processor)...it's bye bye Xoom.


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Jun 8, 2010
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I like mine & i bought mine on launch day too.I had a ipod touch 4th gen & got sick of it & the ipad is just a big ol' ipod touch lol..Love the Xoom!!!.But when October comes & Asus brings out their new tablet with Tegra 3 (Kal-el processor)...it's bye bye Xoom.

It's kind of funny, because I am feeling like the Xoom is just a big version of the Droid X2, without the phone. They both have dual core processors, yet, neither are 4g. The biggest difference though is the sd card slot on the X2 works.


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Mar 5, 2011
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I bought my WiFi Xoom on launch day at Costco. This gave me 90 days to decide if I wanted to return it. During that 90 day period the Samsung 10.1 came out. But as I approached day 90 I decided to keep it. I think it is great and I use it several hours each day. As another poster said, it will only get better and will have a long life thanks to it being a GED.


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Jul 20, 2010
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Dissapointed in the lack of promised updates and poor communication but still love the device. They will HAVE to do something, I'm not sure what that is but they eventually have to give us our updates. I'm rooted and such so I just really want the 4G, but are they really going to be able to handle everyone sending their device in? I'm thinking as others as they will release an updated version, maybe slimmer,faster and better aesthetically and encourage everyone to 'upgrade' for a fee. I'd pay 100 bucks or so for a brand new updated device. They may still give you an option of sending it in knowing many will choose the former option. But currently yes I'm happy with my Zoom :).

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Jan 4, 2011
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The device itself is good but there are other tablets out now that are just as capable. Motorola on the other hand sucks! They do not communicate and have failed to deliver on the promised updates. This is my last Motorola purchase...


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Apr 19, 2011
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I am satisfied with my purchase. Granted, I am disappointed that the SD card still doesn't work, but I find myself not needing it (yet), so I haven't bothered to root. I read all over these boards about people that buy and return every tablet that launches in search of the latest and greatest. I'm keeping my Xoom until a true second (or maybe even third) generation tablet becomes available. What we have now are merely different flavors of the same thing.


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Apr 20, 2011
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I'm still loving it. I use it for my word docs and I use it for my classroom. The apps are just as good - if not better than the iPad. I hate the iPad and it's apps. There is nothing that the upper grade kids can do. I'm very happy :D


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Jan 21, 2011
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I'm still happy with it overall but, if I had to do it again; I probably wouldn't get it. I really thought this would be a superTablet and had really high hopes for it. I alternate using it with my Ipad 2 and, can't honestly say it's a better device (for me). Having said that, I haven't used it to it's full potential yet. I've just used it for browsing the web and, watching youtube videos most of the time. The last update was nice and, I'm discovering some small things I like about it.

When most people see me using it, they really seem to like it and, always question me about it. People who haven't seen a Ipad think that's what it is, and people who have; really like it because it's so different.

The one thing I noticed is, although the battery life is not as good as the Ipad , the Xoom charges much faster. I can use the Ipad for a couple of days with out charging it but,it takes a while to charge it back to 100%


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Jun 18, 2011
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No longer like my xoom 3g. Paid full price for it with no contract, paying monthly for my 1Gig data plan and will sell it when the quad core tablets arrive later this year. It's too bulky and all the delays has made it lose the apeal it once had for me.
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Aug 6, 2010
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I love my xoom. It's a great tablet, honeycomb is still a little incomplete but Motorola did their job great.

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Mar 11, 2011
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There's always something to complain about and I am guilty of that.

That aside, I use mine all the time and it essentially never leaves my side. Am I disapointed about the SD card and LTE debacle? You bet! Do I regret getting rid of my iPad for the xoom? No way.

There are his some deal breakers for me with regards to ios. The biggest being their approach to controlling the device and all applications that run on it.

Something better is always around the corner. For now, the xoom works for me.

I will do my best to focus on the positive rather than how badly I want LTE. I live in an area with great 4g coverage and I prefer it to any WiFi hotspot, even the one on my business class internet connection at home.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Mar 20, 2011
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Hi I'm new to this forum but not AC I've had had my xoom sence may. But never manage to get over here. I myself really like my xoom and do all my AC posting from it including this one. I just wish I could use my SD card but other then that I'm very happy


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2010
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Love my Xoom. I get asked about it all tthe ttime and love talking it up. 4G would be nice but I can wait. SD card access never mattered to me.


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Jul 13, 2011
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There's always something to complain about and I am guilty of that.

That aside, I use mine all the time and it essentially never leaves my side. Am I disapointed about the SD card and LTE debacle? You bet! Do I regret getting rid of my iPad for the xoom? No way.

There are his some deal breakers for me with regards to ios. The biggest being their approach to controlling the device and all applications that run on it.

Something better is always around the corner. For now, the xoom works for me.

I will do my best to focus on the positive rather than how badly I want LTE. I live in an area with great 4g coverage and I prefer it to any WiFi hotspot, even the one on my business class internet connection at home.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk

Same here, I love it and hate it a little too. Now that I've had hands on time with the Samsung 10.1 the Xoom has lost it's sex appeal to me, but I still love it for day to day use.

I'll probably be switching late this year or early next year to something with Kal-el.


May 17, 2010
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I'm happy with the device itself. Not happy that I paid $600 for it two months ago and today you can pick it up for $400. It's the fastest depreciating item I've ever owned (not including cars, lol). But that's what I get for being an early adopter I guess.

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