Re: Unable to receive text messages that are more than 160 characters.
Is this new? Is it all users? I cannot think of too many things that would cause this, but here are the few that I can. Do you have a lot of old SMS and/or MMS messages you are keeping on the device? This may be especially true if you are using the stock "Messages" app. Thousands of SMS and hundreds of MMS can severely eat up your resources and in this case something that was once normal and easy for the app to handle is now stuggling due to the overload of your memory. Deleting some of the messages may help with this issue, having said that it has been reported lately that it is difficult to delete bulk messages in the stock app. It sometimes freezes or causes the device to become non responsive when trying to delete conversations that have messages numbering in the 1000s or even 100s. This brings me to my next suggestion on two points. First if you are trying to delete bulk messages you may find it easier and more managable with a thrid party app, such as Handcent SMS, Go SMS, or Textra SMS. There are plenty of others these are just a few of the more popular ones. Secondly you may want to try a thrid party app as your default texting app. They tend to handle large volume conversations a bit better, give you a few more options for handling messages, and may manage your memory use a bit better and not hinder your capabilities. That's not to say that four or five converstations with 2,000 to 6,000 messages won't slow you down at some point.
As for my question about is it certain contacts or all of them. There is a chance if the issue is only one or two people it could be something on their end. If you find it's only one or two people ask them to check there settings for spliting SMS messages. Most apps will have a setting for spliting threads every 140 characters. By changing this setting on their end it may permit the larger messages to go through in a more managable way. Also group messaging settings can affect message delivery. If messages are or are not set to create individual conversation threads when sent can occasionally cause messages to not be delivered.