I have had my phone secured with a pattern since I've had it. For some reason today it decided to stop working and wouldn't recognise the pattern I was putting in.
After a few failed attempts I managed to get in with my Google account. Once I was in I changed the lock type to PIN, input a pin and confirmed it. For some reason this has only set me up with a swipe to unlock the screen. I've since tried changing it back to Pattern or Pin but when I go into Lock Screen>Screen Security it shows 'swipe' if I try to change this it constantly asks me for a PIN which isn't the same as the one I chose earlier. If I get it wrong it just says 'Sorry, try again' I can attempt it unlimited times
How can I override this or is there a default pin to use?
Many thanks
After a few failed attempts I managed to get in with my Google account. Once I was in I changed the lock type to PIN, input a pin and confirmed it. For some reason this has only set me up with a swipe to unlock the screen. I've since tried changing it back to Pattern or Pin but when I go into Lock Screen>Screen Security it shows 'swipe' if I try to change this it constantly asks me for a PIN which isn't the same as the one I chose earlier. If I get it wrong it just says 'Sorry, try again' I can attempt it unlimited times
How can I override this or is there a default pin to use?
Many thanks