Why do you prefer the Android OS over iOS?

Nov 25, 2019
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Why? Not sure. I recently switched from iPhone to note 9. Didn't like it so moved go pixel 3xl. Now I've been an iPhone user since they came out. I moved to Android because I despise face ID.

Recently I had some extra cash so I bought an iPhone x. I am getting tired of Android not fully working. Android doesn't just work. iPhone just works. Of course you have to confirm to apples way but it works and it keeps working. My Android no longer has call screening. I am on pixel 3xl. Google has no idea why. No one does. Option isn't there. Apps like keep which for me replaces iOS notes are blah at best. Sure I can choose from a ton of note apps but frankly there are some choices I shouldn't have to make. It should just work.

I love the customization ability. I customize the heck out of my phone. But I'm also finicky and change it alot. Still it was small things I got fed up about. Like the phone features not being there.

When I tried the iPhone x I'm impressed with the hardware. Fantastic. Only Samsung comes close but in that I don't like their implementation of Android. But it seems of I want great hardware I'm going to have to accptet lesser Android pure devices. I didn't like face id. At. All. I'm not sure how this a great feature. Maybe technology it's great but it's not all that great in the wild.

At this point I don't see much of a difference between the systems. Each have merit. Each have weaknesses. Which are you willing to put up with.


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Feb 3, 2018
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absolutely I have been using Android since July of 2010 when the HTC Evo 4G was released by Spring as their first Android device. I probably been through thousands of Android since now being part of a development team just made it more fun.


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Feb 2, 2011
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I haven't used iPhone since the 1st gen, and have been with Android since the Nexus One. There is one main reason I'd never go back to iOS even as frustrated as I get with Google hardware and that's because I'm still pretty tied to the services. The non customization is a factor but at this point I mainly just text on my phone and browse reddit so it wouldn't bother me that much anymore, I'm not really looking at the home screen like that anymore. I just hope Google can get the hardware together for their Pixel line, the Pixel 4 this year was a letdown.


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Jun 5, 2016
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Multiple reasons, recovery is built into phone, seemless updates, fast charging, Google Pixel is awesome, customizations, free apps instead of paying for everything, integration. My wife had a XS Max and during setup it glitched causing you to run to a computer for repair. Her current iPhone 11 Pro Max wouldn't turn on even trying to do multiple button configurations, finally same configuration while connected to a PC worked? Wth. Did I add the obvious decision of Apple to use Intel modems, proven slower data speeds and poor range compared to Qualcomm.


Dec 20, 2011
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Another dumb question from the Apple fanboys Android Central. Why not say why do you still prefer iOS over Android. No one should IMHO. Apple is a blatant tax dodging company has a cult following and generally sells older technology at higher prices in a closed system. iOS = prison Android = freedom. Just my 2 cents. Android is a much superior system OS allowing almost infinite modifications and ease of installing apps directly via APK files and many phones allow memory expansion via micro sd card.

Reg Joo

Feb 25, 2013
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Choice. Choice to how I want my phone to look, operate, respond. Can't change that on iOS, just hit the "software update", and take what iOS gives you. I don't like a os' that doesn't give you your own choice.


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Mar 21, 2011
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I’m one of probably a few people (outside of professional reviewers) who have used Android and iPhone And WinPhone as daily drivers in the last few years. Truth be told, I prefer Windows Phone for many many reasons. But that’s dead.

I used an iPhone immediately after my WinPhone. It . . . Worked for me. It was reliable. It was extremely boring, and it took so much longer to do everything! I don’t mean the apps loaded slowly, they were fine. It’s just, to do basic things that were 2 taps in winphone took 5-8 screen taps in iPhone! Android still takes 3-4 taps to do what 1 (and sometimes zero) would do on win, but I’ll take it.

Android is less boring and takes fewer taps to accomplish the same things. That’s why I use it.


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Feb 7, 2012
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This topic is a straight up rip off from Droid life, they posted this like a week ago and it's gotten the most discussion from any topic they've done in years.



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Nov 26, 2019
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I am one of what seems like 382 users in the world that believe a smartphone can be my only computer. I have been working toward this for about three years, through apps/OSs/launchers etc. The journey is not complete, but at least Android users have Samsung DeX (for Desktop eXperience) and Huawei Desktop. iOS - nothing I know of. Based on reviews, I chose Huawei in June of '18. Android is a long way from a productivity OS ("Look what I just found at Marshall's!!!"), but until iOS does something - anything - Android is all there is.

B. Diddy

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Mar 9, 2012
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This topic is a straight up rip off from Droid life, they posted this like a week ago and it's gotten the most discussion from any topic they've done in years.


First, the OP explicitly referred to the Droid Life post. Second, this is a forum discussion, not a blog article, so it's not a ripoff of anything -- it's a discussion. Just thought you should understand that.:)

Laura Knotek

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Jan 8, 2011
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Lets keep the discussion civil please. If there is a problem with a post then please report it so the Mod team can take a look, attempting to resolve it yourself is not advisable.


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Jan 14, 2018
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You need to do your research, Apple also tracks the same information as Google does, and Apple shares that information with "carefully selected" partners. Google on the other hand does not share your date but keeps it for themselves. The worst offenders when if comes to your information is social media. If you want to stay private avoid Facebook and Instagram like the plague.

Further Apple has admitted to having people listen to Siri interactions. And do you use Google search engine or Gmail? If so all your data is still taken by Google. Of course you can turn all that off and I do.

Point being all big tech companies gather your data and Apple is by no means the exception.


Sep 24, 2019
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iOS is a closed system, which is relatively safer than Android. Android is an open system with strong function expansion. I think android and ios have their own advantages. I used both iOS and Android phone, iOS is very smooth. Now the Android is very powerful.


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Sep 18, 2012
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I prefer the ease of transferring data and files with android phones, and the fact that you can open or play the same file with several different apps, if you wish.

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